Though the use of handbags as fashion accessory is centuries old, the modern fashion world seems to use them with a vigor unseen before. They have become an important tool to enhance someone's personality. Obviously, these handbags are the latest rage among fashionable ladies and they consider it as an added value point for their status symbol.
The fashion shelves are fully packed with beautifully designed handbags. These bags come in various shapes, sizes and styles. Of course, one is bound to be misguided and deceived in the middle of a mall while buying a handbag. The reason is pretty obvious...Everything that glitters is not gold.
Hopefully, the following tips will help any buyer to grab the right handbag made of right materials and stuffs and, necessarily, bags of right shape. These tips will also help a lot to choose the right handbag for a particular body type. Surely, one has got one's own individuality.
Material of the handbags: Avoid the handbags made of cheap and shiny leather. The hardware and zips used should be made of corrosion free materials. They must match the color of the exterior of the used leather.
Buy from authorized sellers: The authorized dealers sell authentic handbags which come with holograms. Also, they should be asked for the warranty cards.
Firmness of leather: The good quality handbags and its handles never collapse under their own weight when placed on any surface. Its firmness guarantees its quality.
Stitching quality: The stitching of the leather should not be uneven as they hamper the shape of the handbag and may break easily.
User's body shape and bag's shape: The relation between the user's body and bag's shape must be given due consideration. For example; a middle sized handbag, touching the top of the waist, is the most suitable for a curved and tall body. A lady with a plus size shape should not use too small bags. A lady with a slim look must go for a close fitting bag.
Purpose: A buyer must be sure of the ways the bag is going to be used. A stylish handbag can never be helpful to carry heavy things bought in the market. Remember, the fancy handbags are not one's shopping bags.
So next time when you step out to buy a beautiful handbag, please be careful and apply the formula.
By Dexter N James
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