Some of the main factors that people seem to consider when they are looking for the perfect handbag are design, colour and how well it suits your needs. On top of this you will also be looking into the size and shape of the bag. As every woman knows there is a lot to take into consideration when it comes to choosing the right handbag and there is even more to think about when you are choosing a designer handbag.
Handbags have come along way with how they affect our lives and it is due to this fact that there is a need now more than ever to research into the bag that is perfect for you. A good handbag can be the difference between those in the fashion know and those who are in the fashion no! So make sure you get it right first time round!
If a woman were allowed to splash out on one designer item most of us would choose a designer handbag. We may like our must have clothes and our make-up as well as loving our shoes but lets face it we are addicted to handbags! And who can blame us with the amount of handbags that are on offer to us.
They are considered to be the best accessory a woman can have, which is one of the reasons why most of us don't just have one or even two of them but we have several; the average amount being six. The reason for this is to match various events that we visit and to ensure that we have a bag that will not only be suitable for various occasions but to also match different outfits. Thankfully there is a lot of choice to help us fulfil these needs.
Some of the most popular types of bags are as follows:
• Clutch - The clutch handbag is usually slim and elegant. The main use of this bag is for evenings/nights out as they are perfect for holding essentials.
• Shoulder Bag - This bag is generally large and easy to get in and out of. It is best suited for things such as shopping trips. Also in recent times the bigger the bag the better!
• Tote - the tote bag is particularly popular in summer. It is generally light weight, usually made from
cotton with just the one main compartment.
• Designer Bag - The designer bag shows that you have money and don't mind spending it! There is so much choice open to you when it comes to designer bags and not only will they look good and accommodate your needs but they will also make you feel damn good.
Staying on the topic of designer handbags; there are a lot of big name designers out there who all have distinct style, meaning there is bound to be a designer handbag out there that was made for you. Even though these bags are generally a lot more expensive than your standard handbag they are certainly worth the price. There production quality, attention to detail and the fact they are durable makes them suitable for all occasions.
Some of the most popular ones that are currently on the market take fashion to a whole new level; they are made from acacia wood. These bags are hand carved out of the wood, making each bag individual, giving you truly unique style. So whatever your preferred taste and personality there is bound to be an acacia carved bag out there that is perfect for you.
By Helen Cox
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