Quilted handbags are available in a wide variety of shapes, sizes and colors. These are made of layers of fabric, held together by patterned stitching. Quilting is a method of sewing or tying two layers of cloth together, with a layer of insulating 'batting' in between. Most quilted handbags are made of high quality, hand washable cotton fabrics, which are manufactured to exact specifications. Some of them are made from quilted nylon. Some quilted handbags are machine washable while many are not.
Quilted handbags are great alternatives for expensive designer handbags. The prices and availability of these handbags may vary by location. Suitable for everyday use, these handbags are affordable and stylish. Quilted handbags are unique gifts for someone special. These handbags are available online and in stores. Certain companies provide free shipping.
Characteristic features of quilted handbags are zipper top closures and outside pockets, convenient inside zip pockets, attached coin purse, cell phone pocket and matching key chain. You can choose quilted handbags with open top and button and loop closure, or drawstring top closure with magnetic snap closure flap. Some other models possess zipper top closure with large zip divider pocket. Some of them are lined with plastic and are suitable for carrying make-up and hair essentials. Certain quilted handbags have double snap closure with ID window. They can fold out to reveal 3 zipper compartments with one ring bar. Some of them have a flat base that keeps the bag upright and, also have full width top zipper. They also have PVC lining, which offers water resistance and wipe-clean convenience.
By Seth Miller
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