The Burberry handbag has been around for more than 150 years and began its evolution in a small village in England. Thomas Burberry, the company’s founder, was a fabric genius who is credited not only with the creation of the classic Burberry plaid, but also the invention of gabardine, a waterproof fabric first used by the military and then adopted by Hollywood actors.
Burberry began his creations in an era where fashion and the times were much simpler, but the desire for style and quality was still an important part of life. Burberry’s creations have continued in almost the same form they had when they were introduced because it’s hard to improve on perfection.
Burberry found worldwide recognition with his Burberry handbags at the turn of the century. Burberry handbags were in demand with every fashion conscious woman in the world. Originally designed by Italian designer Robert Menchetti, the Burberry handbag has remained a major player in the handbag market.
Burberry handbags, like many other popular handbags, are subject to frequent knockoffs. Burberry handbag knockoffs can look surprisingly real, leaving many consumers wondering if they had received an authentic Burberry handbag or not.
Besides buying from a reputable source, there are several things that separate an authentic Burberry from its imitation cousins. Burberry manufactures its handbags from a durable vinyl coated canvas with lots of leather trim. Each Burberry hand bag has a canvas lining, leather straps and a key ring. Burberry quality is easily recognized by the discerning shopper in the stitching and construction of these impressive bags.
Burberry handbags are quite affordable and are often priced in the $500 range. For those who do not wish to spend so much on a handbag, Burberry handbag knockoffs run about $200 and are quite impressive in their ability to imitate the original. Certainly, real quality and fashion are not cheap.
There is a difference between purchasing a Burberry handbag replica and buying one from a roadside dealer or, even worse, out of the trunk of a car or a corner vendor. Replicas are company sanctioned bags that are made under exact specifications to replicate the original bag. These replicas are definitely good quality bags that may provide years of quality and fashion just as the original, but at a much lower price.
With the availability of replicas, every woman can own her own Burberry handbag. From the rich and famous to the average fashionista, there is a Burberry handbag for everyone. Just a little shopping around and knowledge of the handbag industry and of Burberry itself will ensure that you get the best handbag for your money.
By Scott Nichols
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