Yes, size does matter, very much so, especially when it comes to handbags! The lifestyle you lead will probably define the size of the handbag that you carry. But the real question is whether you are carrying the correct handbag size that is right for you? If you belong to the younger generation, the teenager or if you are the mother of a teenager, you must already be knowing that the teenagers know exactly what they want - in every sphere of their lives - how much ever ridiculous that may sound! So when it comes to buying a handbag for your teenage daughter, although a small sized handbag is a safe bet, it is still highly advisable that you consult your daughter before buying one. And if they have a choice, then you are lucky! Most definitely stick to their choice and you will be a winner!
Now what's with the young ladies and extremely small purses? You see these purses everywhere - on the dance floors, in the restaurants, with an elegant evening dress and a small handbag in the size of a peanut. Does it really help? A handbag so small that it would hardly carry a lipstick let alone your wallet or other feminine essentials! Do we really need such incredibly small handbags? Aren't these more of a fashion statement to the extent of causing probable inconvenience? Well handbags are personal accessories and are strictly of personal choice, but may be you would want to rethink those purses that can't even hold a lipstick properly!
Next are the moms. Ladies you all are doing a great job out there! Raising your little ones, balancing family and work is never an easy task. The last thing in your mind is probably your handbag! Handbag? What handbag? I have my diaper bag - is what that's crossing your mind right now! And even if you are thinking in terms of a handbag or a purse you are probably thinking 'big'! Yes the purse should be big enough to hold let's see - the diapers, the diapers, the diapers and yes may be the wallet and some more baby stuff. Yes there are some really cute diaper bags out there now, designer ones, trendy ones, but believe me you need to break out from the diaper bag syndrome. The occasional outings that you have with your husband, the family gathering or the evening parties, give off your diaper bag or huge handbag for a nice chic small handbag. Large enough to carry your feminine essentials and your wallet but small enough to go with your style and not overpower you - that's the million dollar handbag mantra for the moms.
Womanhood is a beauty chosen by God for the lucky ones on this earth. You are a mother, a daughter and a grandmother but you will always be a woman. Celebrate womanhood the best way you can and in style. If that means that you choose the right size handbag to accentuate your beauty and grace then so be it!
By Gregg Hall
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