It can be difficult buying a designer bag these day. With the proliferation of on line sites selling fakes as authentic and unscrupulous salespeople. With all the designer knock-offs being called "authentic" it's easy to be misguided into spending way too much money for a fake without knowing it.
There is a difference between buying a designer knock-off and knowing it and being told you're buying the actual bag when it's not.
When you see that Chloe python Silverado bag on i offer you are told it is 7 star quality and mirror image up front, that's honest salesmanship. I don't see a problem with knowingly buying a designer knock off. However, watch these knock-offs too. There are many different qualities. Some will sell an inferior quality knock-off bag for much more than it's worth. I saw a seller on i offer who offered the same exact bag for two very different prices. When I questioned her as to why the same exact bag was being sold for two different prices her reply was that she had to "fix" her description. Hmmmmm. I have also noticed nothing in the description of these bags has changed. I wonder how many people have unwittingly paid for the more expensive of the two bags. Investigate before you buy.
Know the old sayings "if it's too good to be true it probably is" and "you get what you pay for" hold true. You can be assured that lovely Fendi Spy Bag on that online auction, the one starting at $249.00, the one with the bright yellow Fendi tag is not the real thing. No one would offer an authentic Fendi Spy Bag for $249.00.
Who you're purchasing the bag from is of utmost importance. You can be guaranteed that when purchasing that Prada bag from Nieman Marcus or that Gucci from Bergdorf Goodman you're getting an authentic bag, although perhaps not a deal. Check the e-luxury site. Louis Vuitton is one of the actual owners of the e-luxury site. Purchase your Coach bag from their online site. Needless to say authenticity is guaranteed.
Before purchasing a bag on e bay visit their Community Chat Room. There is a wealth of information on how to detect counterfeit bags. Even an e bay "powerseller" can be offering fake bags. When e bay is alerted about a particular seller it may take them some time to investigate. During the time it takes for the investigation the seller could have sold many counterfeit bags. E bay has shut down dealers selling counterfeit bags, but even e bay cannot protect you from all the unscrupulous sellers out there.
Some buyers take their bags to stores like Nieman Marcus or Lord & Taylor to have them authenticated AFTER they purchase them. These department stores will not give a written authentication on a particular bag, but the salesperson will probably tell you whether or not they think the bag is authentic. Don't purchase a bag from anyone without a money back guarantee - ever. If they don't offer a money back guarantee you can be assured the bag isn't authentic. Even if it's the bag of your dreams don't buy it. There will be another one.
Don't be fooled thinking that only authentic bags have holograms and serial numbers. Those that make their money producing knock off bags are on their toes and keep up with any changes made in authentic bags. Even more importantly, when you see a bag for sale anywhere, do you really know what the hologram should look like? Do you know if the serial number should be on a separate metal plate or embossed inside the bag? Should the name Gucci also seen imprinted on the hardware on an authentic bag?
By Kelly Gillis
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