The most important thing about a handbag or purse is not the name on the label or the logo, it is how you feel when you carry it. You can have the most sought after handbag of the season, but if you went beyond your budget for a designer handbag and you are losing sleep over the credit card bill, or if the currently "must have" handbag is a petite handbag that looks awesome but cannot hold all of the essentials you need, you may not feel so great when you carry it.
What is your style? The right handbag or purse for you is the one that makes you feel great when you grab it as you head out the door. Can a handbag or purse affect how you feel? Of course, just like a great fitting pair of jeans or that awesome sweater you got last week, the right style, size, and/or color handbag or purse can affect how you carry yourself.
My husband claims he can tell my mood just by what handbag or purse I've chosen to carry. He knew for example that the long Chicago winter had gotten to me when I broke out the colorful striped handbag and started carrying it in early February. A fashion faux pas? Maybe, but it did help me shake the winter blues, and put a little spring in my step. It even sparked conversations in line at the grocery store that always started with someone eyeing my handbag and stating they were so ready for spring!
There are so many great handbags and purses out there that you are sure to find one that makes you feel great when you carry it.
By Kamie Plys