For each moment there is an other bag because, just like shoes, handbags give you this extra something when you wear them, it gives you the finishing touch. More often then with shoes, you notice the handbags from the latest collections in the streets, with whom their respective owners show off. Next to the real designer bags with brand names as: Monogram Glossy Sheepest (Louis Vuitton), Cocco's Croco (Chanel), Héloise (Chloe), The Downtown (YSL), ect. ...,in no time, almost, perfect copies are brought to the shops by fashion-concerns like Zara.
The consumer these days is very much in touch with the high end fashion segment, and the influence of the designer brands is enormous, because also in the bag collection of unknown manufacturers, more or less their influence is visible.
From handbag, over big casual bag, to envelope-bag. Also for the coming winter 2008 to 2009, the different startingpoints for the new collections are very attractive and different. Next to the more strict city bag there are big, nonchalant casual models, that do not make a bad impression as modern city shopper purse as well.
The fashion bag stays very big and is carried by the hand or is carried under the arm. Only in the more sporty models, sporadicly shoulder and cross-over models are brought to the market. A suggestion for the modern women, whom likes to adjust her dresses to her accessories, and vice versa, and whom likes to buy more then one model per season, are the effect-full and noticeable envelope-bags, whom by the choice of material and the volume are a pleasant surprise.
From shiny to stitched bags. The materials are next to the new volumes a trough taste maker. No big easy noticeable designs, but full attention for beautiful, rich kinds of leather. Most of all shiny finishes will be a true hype coming winter 2008 to 2009, and in each collection you will find several
models in varnish (from shiny varnish, some times with an under lying print or structure, to eye-catching, iris-sing "magic balls" varnish).
Next to that all kinds of metallics continue their presence: red copper, the new "winter gold", completed with silver and platinum. Metallics in effect-full colours varying from shiny to not shiny at all, are being found in young looking collections.
Also degraded materials (from dark to light brushed or sprayed), de look off Prada for the past winter season 2007, shall in all kinds of ways be found on attractive small bags and big handbags.
Crock-prints in diverse designs shall be found also on city-bags, and give them a luxurious flair.
In casual and sportive models shiny leather is mixed with non shiny materials, like suede, and textile like cotton, flannel and nylon. Also not shiny / shiny combinations are being used in an attractive way. New and dynamic are all kinds of stitched, cotton-ised purses, manufactured in nylon and in leather.
By Frank J. P. Heymans
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