Over the past few years Dooney has made more than 6 different styles of handbags. The "It" bag being just one of them. The colorful designs with the DB initials on the bags makes them playful and sophisticated at the same time. They have become popular with the women and girls of all ages.
The "It" bag, has weather treated cotton with leather trim and color coordinating lining. Its functional and durable with its inside zip pocket, cell phone pocket, pocket for lipstick, inside key hook, and adjustable handles. The storage pockets make it easy to find what you need and quicker. These bags are perfect for the new season. With spring amongst us, the vibrant floral colors of the "It" bag will go very well with whatever you pull out of your closet to wear. For those of you who enjoy wearing dark colors year round, there is even an "It" in black, so that you can wear a Dooney at all times.
The DB handbags have made a huge comeback from the plain brown signature handbag. With it's new line of updated "It" bags like the slouch bags, or the backpacks. I especially like the tassel bags. They are what I call "all occasion" handbags. Dressy enough to wear to a business meeting, and casual enough to take out at night for socializing. Just be careful when trying to match shoes with these handbags. That can get a bit tricky depending on the season. If you are carrying your "It" handbag in the colder months, you do not want to try to match white shoes with your white handbag. Go with another color like light browns or mauve colors.
Dooney & Bourke carries the top of the line products that are affordable and available for anyone to own. Prices range from $100 to $300 for most styles. The more expensive handbags still are fairly priced, ranging from $300 to $500. These handbags and other products can be found in high-end department stores such as Macy's, Bloomingdale's, Lord & Taylor or Nordstrom. There are even Dooney & Bourke outlets throughout the U.S. For those of you unfortunates who can not get to the outlets you should try shopping online for your discounted handbags.
Shopping online for your "It" bag is a great idea because you can save lots of time and energy searching through the stores for that one particular bag that you want. I hate when I get to a store and they tell me, "Sorry, we just sold the last one." That tells me that I should have either called first or just ordered online like I wanted to in the first place. The gas that I wasted could have paid for my shipping and handling.
So, not only does shopping online save you lots of money, it saves you time and energy. Ebay is a great place to find the DB "It" bag and all others. There are many online stores that carry this brand and have wonderful savings that are well worth it. You might even stubble upon something you had been looking for all over the place and couldn't find. The internet is an awesome place to find anything imaginable. So, for your next handbag purchase, go online and save, save, save!
By Nicole Ross
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