If your thinking of selling designer handbags and looking for Authentic Wholesale Designer Handbag Suppliers, chances are you've already spent a lot of time looking for legitimate places to buy handbags. It's no secret that the designer handbag industry is extremely lucrative; designer handbags are one of the most sought-after items by women. However, finding authentic wholesale designer handbag suppliers is not very easy. If you have ever searched the web to find handbag wholesalers, you most likely have come across thousands of scammers, looking to take your money by offering you a so-called wholesale list. You really need to do your homework in this particular field.
One thing for sure is that some authentic wholesale designer handbag suppliers do not allow direct wholesale accounts. Be wary of sites selling information promising you a direct wholesale account with certain handbag manufacturers; Coach, Louis Vuitton, Alviero Martini are some of the brands that simply do not allow wholesale accounts. These brands are the ones that you will have to pick up either vintage, from closeout sites like the department store pallets, find department store closeouts, wholesale closeout auctions or from the many large companies who go and purchase mass items in bulk that offer discounts.
Authentic wholesale designer handbag suppliers sell authentic designer handbags! Period! No knock offs, imitations, etc. The handbags should always come with their authenticity cards/tags and dust covers, as well. Legitimate wholesalers will offer you a money-back guarantee on the authenticity of their handbags. They will not require that you pay an "account setup fee" -- there should be no additional fees, other than the fee of the merchandise itself and the shipping costs. They should provide you with their company's complete contact information: address, telephone number (you should always be able to speak with someone before placing your order), e-mail, etc.. Their place of business should not be a secret! If you follow these simple guidelines when looking for authentic wholesale designer handbag suppliers, you should be ok. If any of the above guidelines can't be met, it is usually in your best interest to run the other way! More than likely, they are hiding something from you.
By Tony Robbins
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