Monday, January 26, 2009

Gucci Handbags-What You Need To Know About

One of the most popular handbags around are the Gucci handbags. These handbags are extremely fashionable with a beautiful look to them. They hold together well and are considered to be a status symbol since typically only the stylish and wealthy people have them. If you want people to see you as being stylish and wealthy, you will want to consider getting your hands on the handbags from Gucci. The following information will tell you all the basics you need to know about those fine handbags and where to find them.

If you are unfamiliar with the fashion industry, it will help to know some basic information about Gucci handbags. Gucci is a fashion label for high quality Italian leather products. This Italian company began producing their amazing leather items in Florence around 1921. Starting out as a small business, Gucci quickly grew to become one of the most well-known fashion companies in the world.

There are a number of different Gucci handbags. So before you jump into buying one, you first need to look at what you can afford to spend on one. Once you have a price in mind it will be easier to sort through and find a gorgeous handbag you can afford.

To find a Gucci handbag it is easiest to start looking online. There are a number of websites that sell Gucci products, but make sure that the sites are reputable. You would want to make sure that the Gucci handbag you are purchasing is the real thing.

If your budget is very tight and you do not have much to spend on your Gucci handbag, don't worry. There are a lot of Gucci replica handbags out there. These look almost identical to the genuine article, except they are more likely to be within your price range. There are some drawbacks to buying a replica, such as it being of lesser quality, but at least you will have the desired look.

There are a probably more websites that sell the replica handbags than sell the real Gucci. A little searching online can go a long way. You may even look into auctions online. This is a great way to find a great looking replica at an affordable price. Sometimes you can even find genuine Gucci handbags through these auctions for a fraction of the original price.

By Diane Winter

Your Gucci Handbag Tells the World You Have Good Fashion Sense

For many women, there is no question about it. Ownership of a Gucci handbag is the ultimate sign of chic. Anyone carrying a Gucci handbag is a walking billboard that screams, "I Have Good Taste!"

Gucci Handbags: Brand History

Not many know, though, that the world-renowned Gucci brand name has humble beginnings. Founded in the 1920s by Guccio Gucci, the enterprise began as a maker of horse saddles and other leather goods in Florence, Italy. Guccio, the son of a merchant from northern Italy, hired the world's finest draftsmen and earned a reputation for high quality early on.

Gucci established a shop in Rome, Italy in 1938, and, in 1947, originated the line of Gucci handbags with bamboo handles, which remains popular to this day. The concept for the trademark striped webbing used on Gucci products, which were derived from horse saddles, was developed by Guccio Gucci in the 1950s. Of Guccio Gucci’s six children, four were sons who played significant roles in the Gucci company. When Guccio Guccie died in 1953, they established boutiques in New York, London and Paris. The House of Gucci first gained prominence in the 1960s.

The Celebrity Status of Gucci Handbags

Quality products made by Gucci are, of course, not confined to Gucci handbags. The company has earned a sterling reputation for such other fine accessories as watches and perfumes. With such glamorous patrons as actresses Elizabeth Hurley and Gwyneth Paltrow, the brand name has grown its own fan base of women who see themselves as discriminating in taste. The Gucci explosion of the 60s and 70s was the height of the brand’s manufacturing expansion.

Today, more Gucci handbags are clutched by the well-heeled in the streets of urban fashion centers the world over than any other brand name of the same product category (luxury handbags). Women in Paris, Tokyo, London, New York, Athens, Los Angeles, Berlin, Chicago, Venice, Amsterdam, Rome, Bonn and other fashion centers in the world prefer to sport Gucci handbags. These women’s reasons for doing so are many, but not least of them is the quality and prestige associated with the Gucci name.

By Scott Nichols

Glamor Gucci

It has graced songs and almost all the red carpet but people just can't quite get enough of Guccio Gucci's line of designer bags since they started to grace the hands and shoulders of numerous upper elite socialites and A-list celebrities.

Being able to strut with a Gucci is a goal that little fashionistas dream about when they are facing the mirror trying to put together a look for a party or just for another day in their seemingly unglamorous lives. Dreams of having a bag named after themselves stream from their consciousness. Since not everyone can be a Jackie, the next best thing would be to own a Jackie O Gucci handbag.

Through the years Gucci had been able to harness the practicality of leather and bamboo to create countless designer bags but each remains unique from the last. This distinction in designer bags is what draws us to them. There is always something inside that we know would be a trademark but every handbag feels different. Perhaps it is the weight they have in our hearts that make the difference.

In the heart of ever Gucci designer bag is the handiwork of Guccio Gucci's hands. Although he is no longer around to oversee his empire, he had his sons ensure that the Gucci bag would remain one of the best in the world. Old world classic and new world order in every designer handbag, that almost seems an appropriate mantra for every fashionista.

So next time you think glamour, think Gucci.

By Paul John Collins

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Go Designer With Gucci Replica Handbags

Approximately 75 years ago, the famous Gucci name was introduced into the world of high-end fashion. Today, that name reflects elegance, class and style. It is a status symbol, affordable only to the eclectic few who do not mind lavishing unbelievable amounts on a bag. Carrying a Gucci is definitely a symbol of status. It is something that women all over the world desire. Every woman should be able to boast of at least one Gucci in her wardrobe, although one Gucci may sometimes feel like too few.

Gucci is the perfect complement for a classy outfit. It can lift the look of any person, regardless of time or place. Unfortunately, if you are not lucky enough to belong to the financially blessed, your dreams of owning a Gucci are very dreary indeed. Authentic Gucci can cost you an exorbitant amount of money. For those who are a little more hard-pressed for money or have certain qualms about spending extravagantly, there are Gucci replica handbags.

Finest designer quality, affordable prices, exquisite workmanship at prices that will make you gasp with pleasure. Today, women of all income levels can own Gucci bags thanks to the availability of the highest quality Gucci replica handbags. With the introduction and easy availability of high quality Gucci replica handbags, you no longer need to pay exorbitant prices to own a fantastic Gucci.

A replica designer handbag is a smart choice because high quality replicated designer handbags look startlingly convincing. They are also highly durable. Manufacturers of Gucci replica handbags take special care to craft their replica bags as similar to the original as possible. Unlike cheap reproductions, these sterling products hold good in every way with the original except for the price. You get the same cut, design, style, colors, stitch, tags, zips, locks, keys and even serial numbers. With a 7 stars true image Gucci replica handbag, you can fool almost everybody into believing that you are carrying the real thing!

One of the main reasons you can enjoy going designer with Gucci replica handbags is the cost factor. In a Gucci replica handbag, you can expect the same gold hardware that conveys understated luxury and the same braided tassel that expresses an extra bit of playfulness as you see in the original. The fabric used also resembles original Gucci and various models even contain the brown GG monogram. The signature Gucci logo is also present, as are all other facilities. Here is a fantastic way to own something wonderful without having to give an arm and a leg.

By Allex Ebrandz

Gucci: From Handbags To Riches

Perhaps Guccio Gucci never realized the extent at which his handbags will be adored by millions of women all across the world. From the time that he first opened his store in 1921 to the present time, he would not have imagined that his bags would stand the test of time and become one of the icons of the history of the fashion world and would give birth to a fashion house.

In fact, there are some who would kill for a Gucci handbag whether it be the new stocks that have come fresh from the designer’s notebooks or those that have already made the rounds of various thrift shops. No doubt, there is much value placed in an authentic Gucci handbag, whether it be 15 years old or 15 minutes old.

Guccio Gucci started with a small luggage and saddlery company in Florence, where he sold leather goods that are exclusively made by Florence craftsmen. Owning to the support of sophisticated international clients, Gucci opened another shop, this time in Via Condotti, Rome. Though quite popular with consumers, it was only in 1947 that the first Gucci handbag attained an icon status with the first handbag to have a bamboo handle. The handbag, introduced by Gucci, was a great success with the Gucci handbag symbol of striped webbing derived from saddle girth. The striped webbing symbol has become so distinctive and so identified with the Gucci products, whether handbags or clothes that it made into a trademark.

Another icon Gucci handbag was introduced a couple of years after– the moccasin handbag with metal bit. When Gucci died in 1953, the company was riding its high especially with the opening of its first New York store, Hollywood stars Grace Kelly, Audrey Hepburn and Peter Sellers brought the brand into stardom but it was First lady Jackie Kennedy that popularized the bag that has come to be known today as the “Jackie O.”

After expansion in the United States and in Europe, Gucci opened his first stores in Asia, targeting Asian fashion capitals, Hong Kong and Tokyo in the seventies. In the early 80s, Maurizio Gucci took on the leadership and in 1984, Domenico de Sole became the president of Gucci America. Shares of the Gucci company was sold and de Sole became the CEO of the group NV. Today, Gucci handbags are still enjoying the adoration and adulation of many loyalists. In fact, their recent hobo bag designs are one of the top selling handbags in the market today. Even with its really obscene price, women line up the stores and even reserve their stocks of really great Gucci designs.

In 1990, Tom Ford took on the reins of Creative Director and brought the Gucci name back into the limelight with his great designs and innovations. Tom Ford’s first collection was a really big success not only in the American runways but also across the globe. Not only does Gucci been producing handbags, shoes and clothes, the company has also acquired a small but profitable watch company, Severin Montres in 1997.

The year 1998 saw the Gucci brand riding high with its being named European Company of the Year by the European Business Press Federation. In 2004, when Tom Ford left the company, Frida Giannini was appointed to head the Accessories collection, which would preside over the design and development of handbags. And even in 2005, when Gucci appointed Giannini as creative director for women’s ready to wear, she still continued her responsibilities with accessories and Gucci handbags.

By Joyce Dietzel

The Beauty of Gucci Handbags

While there are of course many unique and stylish handbags and purses on the market, for many buyers Gucci handbags remain the gold standard, and the standard by which all other handbags are judged. Indeed, in survey after survey shoppers have picked Gucci as the bag they would most like to carry, and for many of us being able to afford one of these fine handbags is a sign that we have truly arrived.

The very popularity and quality of Gucci handbags has of course meant that there are a number of knockoffs and fake Gucci products that have sprung up to take advantage of unwary buyers. While these fakes can be very authentic looking to the casual observer, what they lack is the truly exceptional style and quality that has given Gucci its well deserved reputation.

When shopping for genuine Gucci handbags it is important to remember that genuine Gucci handbags, be they hobo bags, clutches, purses, shoulder bags or other styles, will typically sell for several hundred dollars. While there are of course a number of deals to be had, the fact is that if a retailer offers to sell you a Gucci purse for a fraction of that retail price chances are the product is a fake, and if it is fake chances are good that it is not even worth that heavily discounted price.

There are a number of things to look for to help determine if a Gucci handbag is the real deal or a cheap knockoff. One thing to look closely at is the stitching around the edges of the purse. A genuine Gucci bag will have high quality, fine stitching throughout the bag, while a cheap fake will likely have stitching that is poorly done or uneven. It is also important to look at the quality of the leather, canvas and other materials used in the construction of the handbag. Gucci has long been the highest quality handbag on the market, and as such the company uses only the highest quality, leather, canvas and other materials.

If the material looks cheap or shoddy, chances are good you are looking at a fake. While a fake may be able to fool some people, it is far better to spend a little more and enjoy the truly exceptional quality and style only genuine Gucci handbags can deliver.

There are of course many choices when it comes to which handbag to carry, but there is something about the quality and style of Gucci that is sure to make a statement no matter where you go. For many women the purse she carries is much more than just a place to hold their money. Indeed a purse is a fashion statement, and a genuine Gucci purse makes a statement no other brand name can match. These great handbags, purses, wallets and other accessories may not be the cheapest on the market, but they are certainly among the best and highest quality on the market.

By Angle Tingen

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Handbags With Interchangeable Covers - Are They Worth It?

I'm not going to beat around the bush here. I just LOVE the concept of interchangeable covers for handbags! I can't afford a lot of handbags, or even ONE of the terribly expensive designer handbags. The interchangeable system allows me to have a handbag for every occasion and outfit in my closet.

I can have a sedate purse for work and then when I go out at night I can change it to something snazzier in less than a minute. No emptying all the contents and then deciding what I can take vs what I need to leave behind. All the contents stay put and I just change the cover or shell. I can have over 10 shells in my closet and with the hanging organizer, it takes up less room than one or two blouses! Do you have all your purses on the closet shelf and have you ever had them come down on your head when you were trying to pull out the one you wanted? No more with this fantastic product. Most bases come in either black or brown and you can get them with either a long strap or a short one (or both).

On the sample bags that I have seen the insides are roomy, with plenty of compartments for storage and organization of all your "essentials". The covers are held in place with powerful earth magnets. With these types of magnets there is no need to worry about damage to your credit card magnetic strips, cell phones, iPods or digital cameras. It's a worry free system! There are currently several companies offering these types of bags and new shells are being designed everyday. I'm sure that every woman will be able to find two or three or ten that she likes.

It's hard sometimes to come across a product that grabs you. While I am not a purse fanatic, I do like them to be stylish and complimentary to what I am wearing on a given day. On the other hand, I dislike switching the contents on a daily basis - or even a weekly basis. We women tend to get comfortable with our purses and this system makes me comfortable!

By Anne Jamieson

Top 5 Best Elegant Handbags in History

In market, different types of handbags remain available, some of them are highly popular among sophisticated and elegant people. Popularity of a handbag is mainly based on its design and quality. The price also matters a lot. Some of the most-elegantly designed handbags that are sold at the most reasonable rate are as follows:

1: Ellington Lightweight Travel Collection Stella Travel Tote/Pack

This bag is approximately 29.5 linear inches in dimensions and 278 cubic inches in capacity. In order to make this elegant handbag colorful brushed nylon and Ellington's featherweight are used. This bag features 2 front slip pockets, 2 pen slots and zip pocket on the back. Added to this, one will also find a snap pocket in this bag.

2: David King Leather Luggage Distressed Leather Unisex Bag

The dimensions of this bag measure around 21.5 linear inches, whereas, its capacity is around 180 cubic inches. Vacquetta leather is the main material that is used for manufacturing this bag. There is an open pocket in the backside of the bag. One of the key features of this handbag is its adjustable web strap and the leather card pocket.

3: Jack Georges The Lexington Collection Sophia Handbag

The dimensions and capacity of this bag are respectively 27 linear inches and 556 cubic inches. This Sophia Handbag is made of Jack Georges's full grain American Steer hide and features 2 side pockets. There is also a magnetic closure in the front pocket.

4: Kipling Basic Line Collection Grapevine Hobo

The dimensions of this handbag is around 35.5 linear inches, whereas, its capacity is approximately 1223 cubic inches. In order to store different types of accessories, several pockets are made in this bag. One of the most interesting thing about this bag is that a furry monkey keyring remains attached with this bag.

5: Cole Haan Village Novelty Shoulder Bag

The dimensions and capacity of this elegantly-designed handbag are respectively 30.5 linear inches and 855 cubic inches. Cole Haan's soft pebble grain leather is generally used to make this bag. Some of its striking features include whipstitch, canvas lining, PDA and cell pockets, interior zip and foldover flap with magnetic closure.

By Joshua M. Smith

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Louis Vuitton Outlet Store - Save Money on Louis Vuitton Designer Handbags

One of the most popular handbag companies in the world is Louis Vuitton and they have the latest styles when it comes to high end fashion. The handbags are wonderful and you can be assured by owning one that you will be envied by all of your friends. The truth is that high end status also comes with a price and these great handbags can cost from $700 and up so finding one at a lower cost would be the way to go. We all know that there are coach and other handbag outlet store but can you buy a Louis Vuitton at a discount.

You need to be careful when you are purchasing a Louis Vuitton handbag that is not in one of there boutiques or approved stores such as Neiman Marcus because this brand of handbag is one of the most copied brands throughout the world. It makes sense that a handbag that so many people want to own but is so expensive would be replicated. When you are searching you must be aware that a lot of the copies do not use the best oxidising leather and do not have serial numbers so these can be dead giveaways.

Some people do not mind buying a replica but if you spend a lot of money on a Louis Vuitton handbags and you think it is real you should not be buying a fake. You will also see on many of the auction sites that they are selling Louis Vuitton Handbags at a discount price and in most cases is it is use then the price can be lower but if it is brand new and the price is to good to be true then is probably is.

By Bryan Burbank

Monday, January 19, 2009

Coach Factory Outlet Store - Find Low Cost Coach Handbags

If you are looking for a coach handbag and do not want to spend an arm and a leg then you may want to consider purchasing from a coach factory outlet store because they have a great selection of high quality coach handbags at a low cost. If you are looking for the new style that just came out it can be found at your local coach store or department store. But if you are looking to save money and find a great deal then shopping at a coach outlet store will be your best bet so you can find the great handbag you want at a great price.

Coach handbags have been around since the 40's and they have a great reputation of a great high end leather handbag. Originally they only had basic styles and they were known for making great leather products. Now they also are known for fashion and designs because they always have new items that are coming out for the season. It makes it great if you do not want to pay top dollar for some of the other overpriced handbags that are on the market today. You can feel great that you can get a great high end fashion bag at a discount price.

Remember that when you are shopping for a high end fashion handbag you can be assured that a Coach Handbags will be a great selection. Also shop the factory outlet store so that you can save money and not pay full retail for your new handbag.

By Bryan Burbank

Coach Bags - Find the Best New Coach Handbags For 2009

Coach is one of the best handbags you can buy for the money because it is high quality and fashionable but at a reasonable price. You can be assured that if you are in the market for a handbag that will get the wow factor then a coach is the way to go. There are many other great handbags out there to choose from but they will easily cost you two to three times what a coach bag will cost and the quality will not be any better. For staying up with the latest fashion trends and not breaking the bank at the same time you should consider a coach.

Maybe you own a coach and you know what a great handbag it is but you are looking for the latest new styles for 2009. The new collection features some great new style done in Nappa Leather and pastel colors. You will be assured that having one of these new styles will make you a trend setter and the envy of everyone you know. From shoulder bags to clutches the new Coach 2009 collection has taken handbags to a new level of chic. You will still find the classic coach look but with new body styles the bags are sure to be new coach classics.

Remember that when you are in the market for a new handbag you can find a high fashion desirable bag that is not so expensive you will feel guilty purchasing one. There are plenty of styles and colors for you to choose from so you will be the talk of your town in 2009.

By Bryan Burbank

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Knowing What's Hot in Liquidation Handbags

Are you selling liquidation handbags as part of your business? The key to selling handbags successfully is making sure you know what women who are buying those handbags want.

In the liquidation world you can get a lot for a little outlay of cash. This is great when it comes to buying liquidation handbags to resell, but you also want to make sure you are getting items that are popular enough to resell to others at a great profit.

In the handbag market the only way to do this is to keep yourself one step ahead of the fashion trends and be selling what all the fashionable women want to be wearing. Here's a look at what fits that bill for The Winter 2008-09 season.

Handbags With Drawstrings

The peek-a-book romance of drawstrings is in again this season. That means if you can find a few drawstring handbags, you won't have a problem making a good profit. There are a couple of ways to go with this design. It could be a small handbag that closes and is held by the drawstring or a larger purse where one of the aspects of the piece is a drawstring closure.

Big Handbags

Big is back. Women this winter want to be able to take it all with them. This means they need bags that are big enough to carry all of the things they need for day or night in their handbags. The bigger the better.

Skin Handbags

The love affair with unique skin handbags continues. From stingray skin to crocodile, trendy women are clamoring to get their hands on a handbag made from a new and exotic skin this season.

Handbags that Make a Statement

Sometimes you want to be the center of attention. This season, handbags are looking to play that role. From bold colors like deep purples, copper and gold to large and in charge accents like massive buckles and handles, it's all about making a statement this winter.

Chain Accents

The final trend in handbags this winter is chains. From chains that dangle from a purse to those that are used as the hand or arm strap, the more chain the better.

By Steve Sikes

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Handbags and Purses - What is Your Style?

The most important thing about a handbag or purse is not the name on the label or the logo, it is how you feel when you carry it. You can have the most sought after handbag of the season, but if you went beyond your budget for a designer handbag and you are losing sleep over the credit card bill, or if the currently "must have" handbag is a petite handbag that looks awesome but cannot hold all of the essentials you need, you may not feel so great when you carry it.

What is your style? The right handbag or purse for you is the one that makes you feel great when you grab it as you head out the door. Can a handbag or purse affect how you feel? Of course, just like a great fitting pair of jeans or that awesome sweater you got last week, the right style, size, and/or color handbag or purse can affect how you carry yourself.

My husband claims he can tell my mood just by what handbag or purse I've chosen to carry. He knew for example that the long Chicago winter had gotten to me when I broke out the colorful striped handbag and started carrying it in early February. A fashion faux pas? Maybe, but it did help me shake the winter blues, and put a little spring in my step. It even sparked conversations in line at the grocery store that always started with someone eyeing my handbag and stating they were so ready for spring!

There are so many great handbags and purses out there that you are sure to find one that makes you feel great when you carry it.

By Kamie Plys

Louis Vuitton - Find the Best New Louis Vuitton Handbags For 2009

Many people think that owning a Louis Vuitton handbag is owning one of the best handbags in the world. It is true that it is one if not the most popular and most recognizable brand names throughout the world and getting your new 2009 handbag is easy to do if you know where to look. Looks like Madonna will be the new ad model for the spring 2009 collection of handbags so there are sure to be some new great styles to choose from. They will have the classic monogram styles that you have been accustomed to but be assured they will have some real interesting new styles as well.

Louis Vuitton has been around for a long period of time and has established itself amount the best handbags you can buy. This has created an atmosphere for such a popular brand to also be the most knocked off handbag in the world as well. There is much debate about the quality of the real deal and the knockoff brands but be assured that with the real Louis Vuitton Handbag you will be getting the best quality possible.

Even though the company originally started out as a luggage company it has grown into one of the top designer companies in the world. Marc Jacobs is still one of its designers and he has suggested that they use Madonna in there new 2009 Spring campaign. You should know with him designing their handbags, they are sure to have some very interesting style that you will really want to own.

It is hard to own just one of these fantastic bags so be ready for the new collection to be available in just a few short months.

By Bryan Burbank

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Beware of Designer Handbags Wholesale List Scam - How to Find Sources For Authentic Bags and Purses

There are many design handbag suppliers frauds taking place online, but beware of designer handbags wholesale list scam especially now. You can either invest a lot of time and money into years of research, like many have done, or you can save the trial and error by following some simple guidelines to avoid falling prey to this designer handbag scam. Follow these simple steps to avoid the scam! It's easy to see just by going to Google and typing design handbags wholesale, that you've got your work laid out for you if your going to search through hundreds of thousands of potential wholesalers.

Remember the old adage...if it sounds too good to be true, it usually is. For those of you who have purchased or are thinking about purchasing those "wholesale lists" that are being sold on eBay and other websites, let me save you some hard earned money...beware of designer handbags wholesale list scam....these lists are a total SCAM! These "wholesale lists" usually sell for anywhere from $2.50 to $7.99.

Think about it: why would people give out their closely-guarded wholesale designer handbag sources for seven bucks?

The ANSWER: They haven't put any EFFORT into the wholesale list; it's full of GARBAGE! They most likely went to a search engine like Google, typed the word "wholesale handbags" in the search box, threw the first 20 results on a piece of paper and called it a wholesale list. Save yourself the seven bucks and a ton of aggravation and beware of designer handbags wholesale list scam by being informed!

By Tony Robbins

Authentic Gucci Designer Handbag Suppliers - Selling Designer Handbags is Big Business!

Celebrity handbags and purses are quickly becoming very popular, and finding authentic Gucci designer handbag suppliers takes a little effort. But the payoff here is huge. The manufacturers of these high quality trend handbags use quality faux leather and in some instances real leather in their designs. They use quality hardware and pay attention to details like stitching which means their handbags aren't only a bargain, they look like they cost much more than they actually do. The demand for Gucci handbags is so high that finding authentic Gucci handbag suppliers can be daunting because of all the choices online!

Unfortunately, the present handbag market is filled with designer replica handbags, including Gucci items. You need a supplier who has a proven record of quality. Finding authentic Gucci designer handbag suppliers online used to be a tedious project. The market is huge but here's some things you need to make sure of when researching a potential supplier. Their directory needs to be up-to-date with free lifetime updates on the list. Probably the most important fact when deciding on a source is the warranty. The should offer you a Risk-Free, 100%, Money-Back Guarantee. That way there's absolutely NO RISK on your part. You need to feel certain that your not getting scammed.

Gucci especially has many qualities that make it easy to distinguish between the read deal and the replica. An authentic Gucci designer handbag supplier will be aware that Gucci has a wide range of versatile designs, shapes, sizes, and styles. High quality genuine Gucci handbags often highlight the signature gold theme or double G's in their design in addition to details, like buckles, tassels, and colors. Authentic wholesale designer handbag suppliers sell authentic designer handbags! Simple as that!

By Tony Robbins

Legitimate Burberry Designer Handbag Wholesalers - Celebrity Handbag Suppliers Secrets

Finding legitimate Burberry designer handbag wholesalers at true wholesale prices for resale purposes can be a daunting task. The market is huge and the potential to make a nice profit selling designer handbags is great. You need a supplier who has a proven record of quality. I'm guessing you've either searched and searched the internet to find legitimate Burberry designer handbag wholesalers, only to come up empty-handed or have wasted money on worthless, so-called wholesale lists that are no more than the search results for a given keyword on Google.

Finding authentic Burberry designer handbag suppliers online doesn't have to be a major project. The market is huge but here's some things you need to make sure of when researching a potential supplier. Their directory needs to be up-to-date with free lifetime updates on the list. Probably the most important fact when deciding on a source is the warranty. The should offer you a Risk-Free, 100%, Money-Back Guarantee.

The most popular Burberry bags include the famous brown checks. The ultra-chic handbag that comes in blue is one of the most notable styles. Very common among the fashion conscious ladies the bag sports a very attractive leather trim. Similar leather strips in tan border the shoulder straps as well. Most legitimate Burberry designer handbag wholesalers will offer you a discount of between fifty and eight percent off the standard retail price. If you're being offered purses at prices higher than this by a supplier, you're probably not getting true wholesale prices and are going to have problems competing with other businesses who buy their handbags wholesale.

By Tony Robbins

Monday, January 5, 2009

Authentic Wholesale Designer Handbag Suppliers - Where to Find Legitimate Wholesale Lists

If your thinking of selling designer handbags and looking for Authentic Wholesale Designer Handbag Suppliers, chances are you've already spent a lot of time looking for legitimate places to buy handbags. It's no secret that the designer handbag industry is extremely lucrative; designer handbags are one of the most sought-after items by women. However, finding authentic wholesale designer handbag suppliers is not very easy. If you have ever searched the web to find handbag wholesalers, you most likely have come across thousands of scammers, looking to take your money by offering you a so-called wholesale list. You really need to do your homework in this particular field.

One thing for sure is that some authentic wholesale designer handbag suppliers do not allow direct wholesale accounts. Be wary of sites selling information promising you a direct wholesale account with certain handbag manufacturers; Coach, Louis Vuitton, Alviero Martini are some of the brands that simply do not allow wholesale accounts. These brands are the ones that you will have to pick up either vintage, from closeout sites like the department store pallets, find department store closeouts, wholesale closeout auctions or from the many large companies who go and purchase mass items in bulk that offer discounts.

Authentic wholesale designer handbag suppliers sell authentic designer handbags! Period! No knock offs, imitations, etc. The handbags should always come with their authenticity cards/tags and dust covers, as well. Legitimate wholesalers will offer you a money-back guarantee on the authenticity of their handbags. They will not require that you pay an "account setup fee" -- there should be no additional fees, other than the fee of the merchandise itself and the shipping costs. They should provide you with their company's complete contact information: address, telephone number (you should always be able to speak with someone before placing your order), e-mail, etc.. Their place of business should not be a secret! If you follow these simple guidelines when looking for authentic wholesale designer handbag suppliers, you should be ok. If any of the above guidelines can't be met, it is usually in your best interest to run the other way! More than likely, they are hiding something from you.

By Tony Robbins

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Fashion Handbags - The Most Wanted Women Accessories Today!

Obviously, one of the most wanted women accessory today are fashion handbags. There are a huge selection of fashion handbags that are available everywhere. You can find one that fits your personality, if you just know where to look at. Generally, women today have at least three handbags to carry, depending on their outfit. These very trendy accessories allow any woman the chance to be recognized and adored. Once you will carry one adorable fashion purse, the tendency is, your friends, co-workers or other contacts will ask you where you git that great purse. What in the world that a single purse have made you a model or celebrity carrying that new hot accessory!

From purses, clutches to tote bags, you can easily switch your office outfit to gym apparel, or even to a night out party bling. However when you shop for these accessories, keep in mind not only the things you need to carry in your handbag, but also the look you are going for. Fashion handbags provide any outfit that extra jazz it needs to be noticed and envied. Choose the latest trend of handbags to accentuate you formal office outfit, search a hip new color to add to that classic black cocktail dress, or consider some exciting texture to coordinate with an already gorgeous ensemble.

Different fashion handbags simply mean the new trends. From their variety of colors, sizes, textures to materials, women have no reason to disregard such adorable and tasteful accessories. Apart from that, there are also so many fashion handbags at reasonable prices. In short, you can be as hot as celebrities with a fashion handbag, without digging through to those last season's cast-offs. Crafted carefully, these fashionable items offer you the runway styles and makes you a runway diva extraordinaire!

Fashion handbags are the most wanted items that can make a great gift for women. Whatever occasion it may be, these fashion-forward accessories can always wow women. Fashion handbags are made to surely impress any women's taste. You can give one to your fashionista mom or sister, or purchase a bunch for your girl friends, but depending on your budget of course.

There are several things that made fashionable handbags very much appreciated. First, they are a practical item that women could use in their everyday lives. Second, they are the perfect items to complete an outfit. And the last, they provide a special feeling and satisfaction when owned.

Different shopping malls all over the world are offering fashion handbags. But you can also shop online, if you want to have a more comfortable, easy and fast shopping. In addition to that, with online stores, you can find plethora of choices for handbags to choose from at less expensive prices.

Online stores are offering different choices, from discount designer bags, evening bags, tote bags to other types of less expensive bags that you may hardly find in local stores. There are also a variety of handbags that can be made customize. Personalized handbags are a great option if you opt to buy it as a gift for a special woman in your life. This one will be highly appreciated because of the thought of making it exclusively for her.

By Janet Verra

Louis Vuitton Designer Handbag Scam - How to Avoid the Fraud With Legitimate Wholesale Suppliers

One of the major frauds committed online is the Louis Vuitton designer handbag scam. This scam is started by a person who posts on either message boards, Twitter, MySpace, Blogs, Craigslist, eBay, Amazon or Face Book pretending to wholesale designer handbags. After you contact the poster, this person will then e-mail you a made up list of merchandise that they "supposedly" have in stock with probably some beautiful pictures that they took off the internet. Then, when you decide to purchase some Louis Vuitton handbags from them, they ask you to send them money via a method that is not traceable or reversible - check, money order, etc. So a few weeks pass by, you start to wonder and then worry where your handbags are. You try to contact them and guess what, they're off to the next scam.

I can tell you it is nearly impossible to get a real Louis Vuitton handbag to resell- you can get some vintage handbags to resell, but watch out because chances are you bought one really good Chinese imitation - there are a lot of fakes Louis Vuitton handbags out there!!! If a site claims that they carry authentic LV its most likely a Louis Vuitton designer handbag scam. I bet you didn't know that there is only one authorized store online that sells authentic Louis Vuitton handbags? Yup, ONE! If you buy Louis Vuitton from any other online source, it is more than likely that you are buying a very high-quality knock-off.

Now, you can either invest a lot of time and money into years of research, like many have done, or you can save the trial and error by following some simple guidelines to avoid falling prey to the Louis Vuitton designer handbag scam. Designer handbag wholesale suppliers who sell authentic designer handbags and purses will let you set up a wholesale account with them. Some of these suppliers offer authentic discounted designer handbags at up to 80% off. Yes, that is below the wholesale price! You will find major top designer handbag brands including : Prada, Fendi, Burberry, Chanel, Gucci, Vintage Louis Vuitton.

Now, you can either invest a lot of time and money into years of research, like many have done, or you can save the trial and error by following some simple guidelines to avoid falling prey to the Louis Vuitton designer handbag scam. Designer handbag wholesale suppliers who sell authentic designer handbags and purses will let you set up a wholesale account with them. Some of these suppliers offer authentic discounted designer handbags at up to 80% off. Yes, that is below the wholesale price! You will find major top designer handbag brands including : Prada, Fendi, Burberry, Chanel, Gucci, Vintage Louis Vuitton.

By Tony Robbins

Fake Designer Handbags - Are They Worth It?

Can't afford a Gucci, Dior or Louis Vuitton handbag? You aren't the only one who can't. This is the reason there are so many fake designer handbags. Just do a search on the internet and you'll find page upon page of websites where you could purchase one. Obviously the demand for fake designer handbags is enormous. People want these designer handbags because they see one that they particularly like or because their favorite movie stars are carrying them. Unfortunately the price tag is as enormous as the demand.

You can spend upwards of $800 on a Prada hand bag that you absolutely have to have. However, if you get a knock-off, you could probably get the same bag for under $100. Now ask yourself what else you could spend that $700 on that you just saved. There are significant benefits to buying a fake. The quality of the fakes is not what it used to be. Once upon a time, if you were to haggle the price of a fake designer bag from a gentleman on a street corner in NYC, there would be no tag in it at all and it would wind up falling apart within a month of buying it. Since demand has increased, so has the quality. Now you can get a handbag that's at least the same quality that you would get from any retail store.

You could more than likely pass off your fake designer handbag as an original. Many of them look like the real thing and they even have tags. The question is if you really care if it's a genuine designer handbag or not. The stitching may not be the same quality as it would be as if it was an original, but is that really so important to you? No one will be looking that closely at your handbag? Most people admiring that handbag of yours don't really care. Appearance is the primary reason people purchase things. If you see something you like, you purchase it because you like how it looks or other related qualities, i.e. usefulness, many pockets, large size, it goes perfectly with that outfit and shoes you just bought. Does it really matter that it's not the real thing?

Why is it that you want a designer handbag?. Now, if you're getting one simply to say that you own one, then by all means go right ahead and spend a week's salary plus on one. If you want one because you like the hand bag, then strongly consider purchasing a fake. Today's economy is placing extreme restrictions on consumer's purchasing power. At the discounted prices that are offered, there's no reason you cant get what you want. You can purchase just about any designer handbag on the internet without having to leave your home.

By Jill Jones

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Custom Photo Handbag: Combining Style with Personalization

Are you tired of after buying your designer handbag that you're sure that no one else has, you see your other friends having the same handbag as yours?

If you are, then you would opt for a more personalized handbag that has a unique design that you will be certain no one else in the world will have the same handbag as yours.

You now ask how you can have this kind of handbag. Today, thanks to the advancement of printing technology, you can now put your name or your face on your handbag, literally.

These handbags are known as photo handbags. If you've seen personalized coffee mugs of your friend that has his or her face printed on it, you have an idea on what your handbag will look like.

It is up to you to choose the photo you want to be printed on the handbag. With this option, you can be sure that no one else will have the same design as yours. Photo handbags are also one of the best gift ideas you can give your friends. For example, if your friends are celebrating their wedding anniversary, you can have their wedding picture or a romantic picture of them printed on the handbag.

It is relatively easy to find a company that produces photo handbag and you don't have to look very far. Just type in photo handbag in your favorite search engine and you will have dozens or even hundreds of websites that offer customized photo handbags.

All you need to do is choose the handbag design you want, and send the picture you want to be printed in your new handbag. Payments are usually made through credit cards or checks.

In fact, these companies can even print on different things. You can have a picture printed on blankets, on pillows, on purses, on shirts and other things.

There are even websites that offer design and preview feature for you to really personalize your handbag. With this feature, you can play around with the design by altering the background color, the position of the picture and also the way the photo of your choice is placed on the handbag.

With these feature, you can really show your artistic side and really give your friends something to talk about.

Taking fashion to the next level by getting a customized photo handbag is one of the best things you can really do.

However, the quality of the handbag and print varies from company to company. If you know someone who did this before, you should consult him or her on what company to hire for making a customized handbag.

There are thousands of different handbag styles that you can choose from in the internet. Choose one that suits your personality and also choose one that is fashionable and has manufacturing guarantees.

So, if you're tired of having the same handbags as your friends, you can try and consider buying a customized photo handbag. Here, you will be the one who will design your handbag. It can be anything. It can be a picture of you, a picture of your favorite pet and it can even be a picture of your car. With custom photo handbags, design possibilities are limitless. All you need is to get those creative juices flowing.

By Jo Creel

Tips For Shopping at a Coach Outlet

1. CALL AHEAD Before you head out the door for your day of shopping, it is good to call ahead to see if the outlet store is carrying the model you are looking for. Since each Coach Outlet has a different inventory, you might be able to visit another outlet store to find the model you are looking to buy.

2. GET THE OUTLET COUPON BOOK Most outlets have a coupon book. Although the Coach Outlet is never in there, it is worth a try each time.

3. GO TO THE COACH STORE When you arrive at the outlet mall, go to the Coach Outlet first. Every minute you spend in another store, is a minute that another person could be getting your purse.

4. SEE IT! LIKE IT! GRAB IT! If you like it, DO NOT put it down until you have for sure made a decision on another handbag. It is possible for the handbag to disappear while you are trying to make your decision. Load up as you walk around the store. You can always put the ones you do not want back later.

5. BROWSE THE STORE Outlet stores have deals everywhere. It is good to walk around the store a number of times, to make sure you see everything. Browse the store slowly a few times to make sure you have found all the deals.

6. BUY IT! You are at an outlet store that will be busy all day with customers. It is a good chance if you think about your purchase or wait until later, the handbag will be gone. Seize the moment and make the purchase.

7. BUY THE CLEANER! Coach makes product cleaner for each type of handbag material. After spending hundreds of dollars on handbag, invest a few bucks to keep it looking great. For around $10, you can pick up a cleaner to keep your handbag looking great.

8. ENJOY YOUR DESIGNER HANDBAG Have fun with your new purchase. And show off your new handbag to your friends.

I hope these tips will make your next Coach Outlet experience a great one! Have fun shopping while you save money on your new Coach handbag.

By Betty Baylor