When it comes to the most coveted, most expensive and most valuable handbag in the world, no other than Hermes bag could be crowned with this reputation. Its beauty and elegance wins your love at first sight. The rich material and exquisite craftsmanship make it hard for you to put your hands off. It is true that Hermes bag stands prominently above all the other luxury brand bags. Like a divine queen, sitting on a throne, proudly ruling the fashion kingdom.
Anyone who has browsed the Hermes website must marvel at the great creativity of the vivid Hermes world. Do you remember the winged man? Isn't it graphically hinting that as a messenger sent by god, Hermes is delivering holy ingenuity, wit, refinement, and elegance to the world? Long celebrated for its unsurpassed tradition, the Hermes Company hands on the exquisite craftsmanship initiated more than 150 years ago. On one hand, Hermes is old-fashioned with its glorious tradition in terms of most luxurious materials, exquisite handicraft, unchanged aesthetic principle etc; on the other hand, the glamour created by tradition is timelessly elegant and in-fashion for all time, namely, the ingenious Hermes creates and transcends fashion, but never follows fashion. Meanwhile, it is a company that calls for innovation freedom without limits. Many young talented designers have been hired to offer more sparkle ideas.
The head of the company said:" We will continue to make things the way the grandfathers of our grandfathers did". Indeed they do. The basis on which Hermes sets its tone from equipage has never been changed. Only the most sumptuous materials on earth are used to produce Hermes bags and all kinds of materials are specially processed to give a buttery soft, supple yet durable finish. These materials include calf, goat, lizard and exotic skins such as alligator, porosus crocodile, and ostrich.
It is Hermes that creates the miracle of astonishing the world by a thread. The business of Hermes was "built on strength of a stitch that can only be done by hand, the saddle stitch, which has two needles working two waxed linen threads in tensile opposition." The decent and supple stitching is done perfectly by most expert craftsmanship trained for years. Each artisan of Hermes is working like peasant planting on land, and painstakingly to gain perfection of handicraft. They devote themselves on being sensitive to every touch, being able to follow what the hands are telling and control them by heart. The most experienced artisans are capable to stitch perfectly even with eyes closed. Early in the 19 century, the distinctive Hermes feature-tiny hand stitching-was established from making harness fittings for royal coronations. Each stitch should be impeccably done on the leather or silk grounding, and could never be rushed.
Hermes ineffably exceeds other luxury brands, mainly because it is true to the values, working regulation and aesthetic principle of its own, and constantly dedicates itself to using the finest materials, creating exclusively classy designs and making things deeply good. The aesthetical core is simple yet classic: abstract and sinuous, subtle and rigorous, with a sensation of disciplined perfectionism and sly wits.
Producing a Hermes bag is time-consuming and painstaking. It usually takes at least 48 hours for a skilled artisan to hand-make one. And for exotic skins for special custom orders, the time spent will be even longer. So Hermes is famous for its long waiting list, minimally two years. No wonder Hermes bag ranks the top one expensive handbag in the world. Literally, Hermes bag is an art of time. You splurge on the visible bag; in fact, you buy the invisible time spent on it. If you lose patience with waiting, http://www.eurohandbag.com may pleasantly surprise you. This is a wonderful online store for you to purchase ready-to-wear Hermes bags.
By Anna Millman
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