The Coach Carly Handbag and the Coach Duffle Handbag at first glance looks very similar until you take a good look at the styles and the designs of the bags. With the material of the bags being similar in textures its no wonder people sometimes confuse the two bags.
Being that the Coach Carly handbag and the Coach Duffle handbag are both made of soft signature materials with similar designs to them, they each have their individual traits to them.
For starters, the Carly is soft and slouchy, but the Duffle seems to be softer and slouchier. The Duffle comes only in Coach’s signature leathers and in one style, the classic signature with the solid colors. The Carly on the other hand comes in a variety of styles and colors that are sure to please any handbag enthusiast. It’s made of soft materials with iconic Coach hardware with turn lock closures and dog leash clips. Its similarity to the duffel is the slouchy design they share, but the Carly has far more power in the design department over the Duffle.
The Coach Carly handbag comes in styles such as the classic signature, leather, demi, canvas, pouch, and the New! Signature Cotton. These bags come in small, medium and large and go from sizes of 9” in length to 17” in length. The costs of these bags will run anywhere from $178.00 to $498.00 in stores. The duffles pretty much come in only one size, 8 ½” in length to 10 ¾” in height, but cost much less than the Carly. The Coach Duffle handbag will cost you about $228.00 - $298.00 in the stores.
The Carly handbag has made a major design change over the years. With all of the newer styles emerging bi-annually it’s no wonder the Carly is one of the most popular of the Coach line of handbags. You will see women and young girls wearing this bag more often than some. With it’s sophisticated style and fashionable looks, it has become a bag that women of all ages will gladly carry around for all to see.
Even though the Duffle lacks multitudes of designs, it makes up for it in style. Its sleek style allows the owner to wear it with any and everything. You can match any outfit with these bags and not have to worry about your bag clashing with your shoes. The classic black bag goes well with any shoe. If you’re smart, you will get the Duffle in black and brown to insure your bag will match your shoes. Trying to match your shoes and outfit with the Carly bags can be done just as well. Carly bags come in solid colors as well making it simple to match your outfit with your handbag.
All in all, the Coach Carly handbag and the Coach Duffle handbag have one main thing in common. Each will both fit any style that a woman can come up with. You are sure to find that perfect handbag for yourself. All you have to do is want it.
By Nicole Ross
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