Just as designer dresses and shoes have become part of the red carpet scene, so has the designer handbag – used as a functional accessory but thought of as a fashion statement equal to anything else. A handbag may be merely a container for money and personal effects for some; but for others, the designer handbag is as much a part of their wardrobe as the pants, dresses, and blouses in their closet.
Today’s savvy and sophisticated shoppers will pay exorbitant amounts of money for a designer handbag – not just for its look but for the statement that it makes. Designers who have gotten into the business of creating handbags have found tremendous rewards both in financial return and impact on their reputation. With women, word-of-mouth is everything – and if your girlfriend has the hot new designer handbag then so must you.
This enormous popularity and media attention is a far cry from the early beginnings of the designer handbag. Handbags originated in the 14th century as a simple pouch used to hold coins and small items. But in the 1950s, as Chanel and Louis Vuitton rocketed to fame with well-received designs, the designer handbag took its place in the world of fashion. Designers who were worth their weight all made a designer handbag in order to capitalize on the popularity among women.
But before long, the designer handbag was setting the trends and holding its own as a piece of designer merchandise, separate from other design ware. Today’s designers – including Prada and Kate Spade - continue to introduce new and better bags and consumers wait for each signature designer handbag each season.
Of course, along with a designer label comes a designer price tag. Many people find the prices of these bags to be cost-prohibitive. But if you do some research and look around for clearance items you may be able to find a designer handbag that you love for a much lower price. Just be careful that you are purchasing the real deal and not an imposter handbag.
A designer handbag can be an amazing and lasting accessory that combines form and function in a unique way. Find a classic designer handbag that you love and treat yourself to a lifetime of enjoyment.
By Michelle Bery
Good info
Your welcome
Good blog and very informative
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