Friday, November 28, 2008

You'll Feel Like a Queen Owning a Discount Fendi Handbag

Fendi is one of the most recognizable designer names in the world. Their exquisite handbags are amongst the most coveted by celebrities and fashionistas. There are long waiting lists for those fortunate enough to be able to afford an exclusive high end, limited edition Fendi – some wait as long as three years!

These beautiful Italian bags are famous for their inverted FF or Zucca logo (the smaller FF logo is called Zucchino). You can find a brand new chic Fendi handbag in upscale stores for around $1,000 - $3,500 – that’s a pretty steep chunk of change, indeed.

Timeless Italian elegance and chic style defines the famous Fendi line of handbags. Fendi handbags are unique and unmistakable in their look and feel. The famous FF logo is known throughout the world. There’s a Fendi handbag for every taste.

Even though Fendi handbags are very high end, you can find some great deals on a discount Fendi handbag online.

If those prices are a bit too hefty for your budget, then you’re smart to look online for a discount Fendi handbag. If you want to own an authentic Fendi handbag, then there are some absolute steals out there.

Now, a discount Fendi handbag is still going to run you around $200 - $500 if it’s authentic. Some women only want the real deal, and if you’re a smart shopper, you can have the Fendi handbag of your dreams. No one has to know that it’s a discount Fendi handbag, now do they?

Of course, there is the option of buying a replica Fendi handbag, but believe me, they won’t be of the same high quality as authentic Fendi bags. Still, if the price is right, and you’ve just gotta have a particular style, then you might consider going the replica Fendi handbag route.

If your goal is to own an authentic Fendi handbag, then I’d say, hold out for the real thing – it’s worth it!

By Nikki LeRoi

The Classic Beauty Of A Dior Handbag

For women, there’s no greater luxury than designer clothing – those beautiful outfits we wait for every season – brought to us by design houses that are synonymous with upscale fashion. But just as designer clothes are revered and desired, so are designer handbags. What may be a functional accessory for some, is a fashion statement for others. And for those people, the Dior handbag rates high on the list of desirable handbags.

French designer, Christian Dior, opened his first design house in 1949 in New York City. But his designs began years before that – embraced by an audience hungry for new creativity. Before long, Dior was a name inseparable from high fashion and enthusiasts awaited the new pieces that were added to the collection year after year. But before long, the Dior handbag was a part of the Dior collection – a glamorous and functional accessory that was eagerly awaited by consumers.

The Dior handbag is so revered because of its quality and style. The handbag reflects the commitment to quality demonstrated by everything that carries the Dior name. And the style of each handbag is attractive and unique. Whether you need an evening bag to complement a formal outfit, or carry-all bag for a weekend away, the Dior handbag will meet your needs with style, sophistication, and quality.

These superior handbags can be found in high-end department stores and exclusive boutiques – or even ordered online. Of course, a designer name carries a designer price tag; and for those interested in the Dior handbag, the price often makes a purchase cost-prohibitive. In an effort to save some money, some consumers will look for deeply discounted deals in a variety of places. But it is important to ensure that you are purchasing the real Dior handbag and not a replica that disreputable companies make in order to turn a profit. A genuine Dior handbag – while pricey – is worth the expense.

Classic and sophisticated, the Dior handbag will never go out of style as it adapts to changing styles and sets new ones as the world waits to see what will come next.

By Michelle Bery

Black Coach Handbags

The color black is synonymous to elegance, class, style and elegance. If we talk of the exclusive Black Coach Handbags, then the meaning of our sentence becomes all the more clear. If we go in detail, then the handbags from Coach come in various shapes and sizes and are said to be made of the finest leather known to man. The authenticity of a Black Coach Handbag lies in its exclusive quality of leather. What we are referring to here is the exceptional quality of the fabric used in making the handbags an exceptional item. The colors here are fascinating and seem to blend well with the latest shapes and designs. At the same time, the patterns used are rich and have beautiful to look at.

If we talk of durability, then the exclusive range from the elite Black Coach Handbag are quite sturdy in nature and are therefore considered a one time purchase. If we go ahead and get one of these for ourselves, rest assured, we would never be disappointed, for we would never have to change them each year.

If we take into consideration the various designs and styles, then again, we would not be disappointed by the exclusive range of the authentic Black Coach Handbag, for over here, care is taken to ensure that these bags are fine tuned with the latest in fashion and that they always remain in sync with the latest trends in the market.

If we talk of color combinations, then not many brands offer you a wide range of color options, but in the case of Black Coach Handbag, this is not the case. Over here, the color combinations are rich and vibrant and care is taken to include those varieties which are specific to a consumers needs. If a customer prefers to see a black, an attempt is made to get him a black color.

So if you wish to be in sync with the latest fashion and have the desire to stand apart from the rest of the crowd, I suggest you take a closer look at this exclusive collection from the world renowned Coach Handbag and see for yourself what it means to be a part of the latest trend.

By Kevin Jonny Smith

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Original versus Replica of a Gucci Handbag

Are you interested in buying a replica of a Gucci handbag? If so, you are not alone. But if you want to buy an original as opposed to a replica there are many things that you must consider. The fact of the matter is that Gucci handbags are among the best in the industry.

If you want to buy an original you are probably doing so for the top notch styling, elegance, and of course the quality. If you get duped into buying a replica of a Gucci handbag you will not be getting any of this. Instead, you will be buying a knock off that does not have nearly as many benefits. You should learn as much as you can on how to avoid buying a replica of a Gucci handbag as opposed to an original.

The first thing that you should look for when buying a Gucci handbag is the details. When you buy an original you will be able to see all the finer details that have become synonymous with the Gucci name. But on the other side of things, a replica of a Gucci handbag is not going to have nearly as many details. You will notice that there are loose ends, and that it is not put together as well.

Additionally, replicas of Gucci handbags do not carry the initials on all of the zips; this is something that all the originals have. Also, on the inside of the originals you will be able to find information on how the bag was made, as well as the location in which it was manufactured. Again, if you cannot find this information it is safe to say that you are looking at a replica of a Gucci handbag.

All in all, quality and durability are much better when you buy an original Gucci bag. The fact of the matter is that it can be tough to determine an original from a replica of a Gucci handbag. But if you follow the tips above you should be well on your way to getting what you are after. Just make sure that you take your time during the buying process, and you should not run into any problems.

By Chloe Andrews

The Gucci Handbag Is Still Popular

The Gucci handbag is one of the most coveted purses on the market today. Of course, the designs of Guccio Gucci are desired but what one may not understand is how he came to be. The history of the Gucci handbags is an interesting one and has set the tone in the couture world of today's fashion cosmos. Becoming an educated person about the history of the Gucci house is as easy using the computer keyboard.

Before 1906, designing handbags was just a dream of Guccio Gucci's. In 1906, however, he opened a saddle shop in Florence. He was a whiz with leather items, and he quickly became well known for his horse tack. It was not until 1938 that he opened his first retail store on the Via Condotti in Rome.

This store was devoted to his fine crafted leather goods. However, in 1947, the famous Gucci designer bag with a bamboo handle was created. This new area of leather items initiated a firestorm of purchases that would shoot his name into fashion history.

With the design of the handbag came fame that Guccio Gucci could have only dreamed of in 1906. Everyone around the world began to see famous starlets such as Audrey Hepburn and Princess Grace Kelly carrying a Gucci handbag.

This type of fame would follow the Gucci house for years to come. The company saw hard times in the 1990's, but with a new management and design team, he has returned to the forefront of the designer handbag niche.

When looking for the perfect accompaniment to that little black dress, one would be smart to find that perfect Gucci handbag. Guccio Gucci created a huge empire that still stands tall in the fashion world today. The house of Gucci has come a long way from 1906 when the small saddlery was created by Guccio. With the internet, anyone can own a piece of Gucci if they are willing to pay the price.

By Mike Selvon

Friday, November 14, 2008

Gucci Handbags - The Roman Empire of Fashion Nearly Destroyed by a Family Feud

The Italian fashion design house of Gucci started back in Florence, Italy in the year 1921 by a man named Guccio Gucci. When he first opened his small, family-owned saddle and leather goods store, he was completely unaware that the Gucci handbag would in time grow to become one of the most recognized symbols for luxury and wealth.

The History of Italian Fashion in the Making

In its initial phases, Gucci's work was recognized for its craftsmanship as well as its quality. He employed skilled craftsmen that would work with him and as a team they would build a very successful leather goods company. It was back in 1938 that they opened a boutique in Rome and their business just kept growing. Gucci, himself, was the creator for most of their products and in the year 1947 he introduced the bamboo handled Gucci handbag that has steadily become a company icon.

In addition to the Gucci handbag, the company is renowned for its family disagreements, differences of opinion as well as disputes when it comes to the operations of the company. The conflicts within the family over stock holdings, inheritances, business operations as well as other family issues have very often threatened the overall success of this family oriented business.

The Pinnacle of Success

Even in the face of the family disputes threatening the success of the company, back in the 1960s the Gucci logo GG, which were the initials of Guiccio Gucci's were supported by many famous women of the time, such as Grace Kelly and Jackie Kennedy, the wife of the president of the United States, John F. Kennedy. Through support from societies elite figures such as these increased the popularity of the Gucci handbag as well as other Gucci products.

The company continued to stay at the top of the establishments of the design houses until the late 1970s when the quarrels of the family again threatened the survival of the company. Soon after the members of the family had the departments divided within the company between them and started to work independent from one another.

Through numerous disastrous business practices as well as mismanagement, the popularity as well as the respect of the company declined within the fashion industry in the decade of the 1980s. It was at this time that they also became the highest production knock offs on the counterfeit market. This reality caused even further decline in high fashion industry.

The Turning Point for the Gucci Handbag

Back in the decade of the 1980s the company again went through a period of confusion, turmoil and reorganization. It was this reorganization that ended up saving the company as well as elevating it back to its earlier standings within the fashion industry. Through the work of a gentleman named Tom Ford, a young fashion designer, Gucci again was returned to a respectable high fashion design house within the fashion industry.

Today, the Gucci handbag is still a highly sought after fashion accessory and used as a status symbol. The organization may never reach the same heights of status that it held back in the decade of the 1960s however it still enjoys a very popular standing in the world of celebrity, wealth as well as high fashion.

By Korbin Newlyn

You Can Afford a Gucci Handbag

Would you love to own a genuine Gucci handbag? Would you really love to find a great discount price on a Gucci handbag? So would a lot of other people. Great deals on Gucci handbags can be found, but they go quickly. Gucci has been in existence since the 1930s, and has been a popular and sought-after designer label since its beginnings. With a little innovative bargain hunting, you can unearth a discount Gucci handbag. You just have to be patient and look in the right places.

When you really want to find a discount Gucci handbag, an Internet search engine can be your best friend. Discount Gucci handbags are in high-demand, and proper use of a search engine can lead you to the next online bargain before another would-be fashionista beats you to it. You never know where the next great discount Gucci handbag will surface, but by simply typing "discount Gucci handbag" in a search box, the search engine can do the work for you.

The search engine will look for any occurrence of the phrase you typed, and pull up the best matches. It will check out online retailers, online auctions and other websites, and deliver the results right to your computer. If someone just listed a discount Gucci handbag on eBay, the search engine can let you know, and you can rush to the site to enter your bid.

Another option for using the Internet to track down a discount Gucci handbag is to participate in social networking with other Internet users who are interested in Gucci products. For example, you could search a forum that deals with Gucci or designer merchandise in general. You may even want to enter a chat room if you can find one that centers around designer bargain hunting. You may get a great lead that can turn into you nabbing a great discount Gucci handbag. One of the greatest benefits of the Internet is the power to bring together people who would never have a chance to meet offline, yet can be of great assistance to each other.

Be ready to act when the perfect bargain on a discount Gucci handbag presents itself. If you don’t grab that discount Gucci handbag as soon as you find it, someone else will. If you are lucky enough to unearth a discount Gucci handbag, by all means buy it, cherish it, and use it!

By Scott Nichols

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Discounted Coach Handbag - Buy A Quality Handbag For Less Money

When you want classic, elegant chic, there's nothing like the classy Coach handbag for the woman seeking a well-made fashion handbag. The Coach line of handbags are as famous for their design as for their reputation as an affordable luxury. Even so, you'll find a wide array of discounted Coach handbags to choose from.

Even though Coach handbags are celebrated as an “affordable luxury”, that doesn’t mean you can’t find some great bargains online. You’re smart to be looking for a Coach handbag on sale, because there’s a wide variety of Coach designer handbags online for under $100.

That’s right. You can own a classic Coach bag for the price of a haircut (now THAT’S affordable luxury). When you’re browsing for a Coach handbag on sale, you’ll find the larger tote bags, the cute clutch purses, the practical city bag, the roomy bucket bag, the trendy mood-style bag, and lots more!

A discounted Coach handbag will cost you an average of $50 - $100. Some of the more popular designs can be found in the $100 - $200 price range. This reasonable pricing means that it’s possible for any woman to own at least one Coach bag (Of course, Coach handbag lovers rarely stop at one). So, you’ll definitely have a good time shopping for your very own authentic discounted Coach handbag.

Remember that just because you’re getting a discounted Coach handbag, doesn’t mean there’s any difference in quality. As long as you’re careful to make sure it’s an authentic designer Coach handbag, your bag will have the same high-quality craftsmanship that Coach is known for all over the world.

By Nikki LeRoi

How to Spot a Fake Designer Handbag

In United States alone, a lot of people are engaged in selling in fake branded products and according to one estimate the $20.0 million products are from fashion trade such as sunglasses, designer handbags and watches etc. Due to high demands of these products, there are people who manufacturers and sell some fake branded products more often for a quick earning.

If you have a plan to purchase a designer handbag, and want to know how to spot a fake handbag, you should first see the quality of the handbag very carefully. Although you may find a number of designer handbags available in the market, you have to see these handbags very carefully so that you can really distinguish between the genuine and fake designer handbags.

The first point to look for the designer handbag is to see the material quality, as the original branded designer handbag will have the excellent material finish and quality. The fake designer handbag can thus have a poor material quality as well as the stitching will be also of poor quality. Stitching should be carefully looked for especially inside the designer handbag as well as in and around the pockets.

Many designer handbags come in excellent packing and thus the level of packing can also give an indication about the fakeness of the handbag. You should also look for the logo design and serial number attached with most of the designer handbags. This logo can also lead to the clue about the genuineness of the branded designer handbags. You should also look for some other features such as lining and overall finish of the materials before making a decision to purchase the designer handbag.

You should opt for a genuine designer handbag and if you try to bargain the cost of the designer handbag with the seller, you may probably land with a fake designer handbag. If you bargain for the price of an original designer handbag, you should make sure that the seller is reducing cost from the original designer handbag. Many a times, the seller may sell you a fake designer handbag as soon as you start bargaining.

By Brian Cliette

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Leather Handbags - Deciding Between The Different Types

There are a number of different handbags available, but the most popular ones are leather handbags. These handbags have a number of benefits that draw people to them. Not only do they hold up well, but they come in a lot of different styles, types, and colors. With so much variety anyone can find handbags of leather that match their personality.

Some of the most beloved benefits of buying leather handbags include the durability of the handbags, the attractiveness, and the variety. Leather is a very strong material that will not tear or fall apart as easily as most other handbag materials. It is a reliable material that will last you for years to come. Leather handbags have a great appeal. Whether the leather is made to be shiny or a little rugged, you can find a wonderful looking handbag that speaks to you. There are so many possibilities when it comes to leather handbags, because the leather can be dyed any color, can contain jewels, comes in both formal and informal designs, and has the ability to be very eye-catching.

If you are unsure what type of handbags to purchase, it helps to do a little research. First, start taking note of the handbags that the people around you are carrying. That way you are able to see how the handbags go with each person's style. Also, look in magazines at Hollywood stars and models to get an idea of what is most fashionable. Most magazines that feature stars will not only show formal leather handbags, but also some more casual styles.

Once you get an idea of what kind of leather handbags look the most interesting to you, start searching online. There are tons of websites that sell leather handbags. By looking online you can scroll through thousands of handbags quickly, so that you are able to select the perfect handbags to match your personal style. I recommend that you look for a casual leather handbag and a formal handbag. You may even want to select some in different colors to go with different outfits. If you decide to go with colors other than traditional black and brown, note that to be fashion-forward you do not want the color of your handbag to match the color of your outfit exactly. For example, current fashion says that if you are wearing green and brown, throw in something like a pink handbag to add more color and interest to your outfit.

By Diane Winter

Coach Handbag Outlet

From designer bags to trendy purses, if there is a one shop stop for all, then it has to be a Coach Handbag Outlet. These outlets from Coach, popularly known as the Coach Handbag Outlets have everything to offer from the latest designs and colors and they come in handy for those who cannot visit a traditional brick and mortar set up. Before going ahead, just ensure that the site is fully secured and offers authentic products at pocket friendly discounts.

It all started in the year 1960 when an American designer named Bonnie Cash, the brains behind Miles and Lillian Khan's retail handbag collection, now popularly known as The Coach, came up with the unique idea of setting up a retail shop in America. With innovative designs and bright ideas, Bonnie Cash transformed the handbag scenario from the contemporary brown and black, to shades of pink, orange, yellow and blue. This led to a phenomenal increase in the sales of the handbags.

Known the world over for their unique shape and designs, the products from Coach are what a genuine customer considers as a good purchase. The single most important factor which differentiates Coach from another brand is the design, the quality of leather and the trademark fashion quotient.

If we talk of leather then Coach uses a special kind of leather which tends to get softer, supple and stronger with age. Moreover, the products from Coach are designed to suit both the office going staff as well as the casual strollers.

Whenever you are out to purchase a specific item, you almost always take into consideration these three aspects. The first is your body, the second is your mind, and the third, which is also the most important, is the available cash in your wallet. Once you are familiar with the three, it is time to step into a good store, like say The Coach Handbag Outlet and dig onto your choosiest handbags After all, in order to purchase an item you first need to see it with your own eyes.

A Coach Handbag Outlet always tries to provide the best quality of service which boasts of a complete customer satisfaction.

By Kevin Jonny Smith

Friday, November 7, 2008

Quilted Handbags

Quilted handbags are available in a wide variety of shapes, sizes and colors. These are made of layers of fabric, held together by patterned stitching. Quilting is a method of sewing or tying two layers of cloth together, with a layer of insulating 'batting' in between. Most quilted handbags are made of high quality, hand washable cotton fabrics, which are manufactured to exact specifications. Some of them are made from quilted nylon. Some quilted handbags are machine washable while many are not.

Quilted handbags are great alternatives for expensive designer handbags. The prices and availability of these handbags may vary by location. Suitable for everyday use, these handbags are affordable and stylish. Quilted handbags are unique gifts for someone special. These handbags are available online and in stores. Certain companies provide free shipping.

Characteristic features of quilted handbags are zipper top closures and outside pockets, convenient inside zip pockets, attached coin purse, cell phone pocket and matching key chain. You can choose quilted handbags with open top and button and loop closure, or drawstring top closure with magnetic snap closure flap. Some other models possess zipper top closure with large zip divider pocket. Some of them are lined with plastic and are suitable for carrying make-up and hair essentials. Certain quilted handbags have double snap closure with ID window. They can fold out to reveal 3 zipper compartments with one ring bar. Some of them have a flat base that keeps the bag upright and, also have full width top zipper. They also have PVC lining, which offers water resistance and wipe-clean convenience.

By Seth Miller

How to Find the Replica Designer Handbag

Searching for and locating a replica designer handbag to call your own isn’t hard at all. Your prospective sources are many, both online and brick-and-mortar. Some of them offer replica designer handbags of high quality at affordable prices.

Popular Stores that Sell Replica Designer Handbags

Replica is one popular outlet you can check out if you are looking for replica designer handbags. They may have the exact replica designer handbag you have in mind. Here’s a sampling of signature bags that Replica has been featuring more recently:

Louis Vuitton Epi Handbag 05 

Louis Vuitton MG Handbag 20

Gucci Horsebit Shoulder Bag 01 

Gucci Canvas Shoulder Bag 16

Gucci Canvas Shoulder Bag 50

Coach Signature Handbag 01

Handbags World is your other option for replica designer handbags. This is an excellent place to shop for replica designer handbags and knockoff purses. They are of high quality and are priced at a fraction of the originals’. Every conceivable replica designer handbag can be found here, including Burberry, Gucci, Louis Vuitton, Prada JP Todd and Fendi. They also constantly renew their selection of accessories with weekly introductions of the latest in wallets, handbags and purses, making frequent visits to their shop worth your while.

Business Philosophy at Handbags World

The experienced team and staff at Handbags World subscribe to the belief that making customers pay a high price for items that go out of style in a week or so is a way of shortchanging them. For them, the transitory nature of fashion trends does not warrant expensive purchases. And affordability need not be at odds with quality. The designers and scouts of this long-standing company are ever on the lookout for the latest styles of clothing and accessories to add to their inventory.

Handbags World is independently owned and operated. They are not in any way affiliated with the designers featured in most of their stores. Here’s a list of some of the brand names they carry:

Balenciaga handbags 

Brighton handbags 

Burberry handbags 

Christian Dior handbags 

Coach handbags 

DKNY handbags

Dooney & Burke handbags

Fendi handbags

Gucci handbags

Isabella Fiore handbags

JP Tods handbags

LV handbags

Marc Jacobs handbags

Prada handbags

Versace handbags

There are obviously many other places where you can find replica designer handbags of your choice. However, Replica and Handbags World are already excellent places to begin your search.

By Scott Nichols

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Get in the Fashion Loop with a Brighton Handbag!

Brighton handbags come in many extraordinary styles and designs making it easy for those who purchase them to express their individuality. A Brighton handbag can be found in many different styles such as casual handbags, fabric handbags, contemporary and traditional handbags, romantic handbags, and novelty handbags.

Prices for a Brighton designer handbag can range anywhere from $100.00 to $300.00. Brighton does make a fine-looking handbag though, and to many that is not too much to pay. If that sounds like too much to you, maybe you should check out the Brighton replica handbags. A Brighton replica handbag looks almost identical to an authentic Brighton designer handbag, but it will cost you a fraction of the price. This way you can be in style and still have money in the bank! There are a very rare few that can actually tell the difference between an authentic bag and a replica, so don't worry about your secret being revealed. The only way they will know is if you tell them.

Not only does Brighton sell exceptional looking fashionable handbags, they also sell jewelry, belts, wallets, luggage, sunglasses, and fragrances. If you decide you need a Brighton wallet to go with your Brighton designer handbag be sure to check out the internet for a wide variety of styles, designs, and prices. If you want to be in the fashion loop, then a Brighton designer handbag will give you the edge you are looking for.

By Chris Rodriguez

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Handmade Handbags - Making Them, Wearing Them

Handmade handbags have gone from being acceptable to being popular as a fashion accessory. That’s a refreshing development considering so many things nowadays are mass produced. Whether it be a car, a piece of clothing or a pair of shoes, every product we come across nowadays is a clone that is identical to hundreds or thousands of others of its kind. Customized and individualized have been relegated to the sidelines. Not so with handmade handbags; those looking to express their individuality can do so with handmade handbags.

Handmade Handbags Turn Hobbyists Into Entrepreneurs

Making handmade handbags is one practical hobby. Its end result is something the creator or anyone else can use for his or her own purposes. If you have become good at making handmade handbags, there’s a chance that an admiring friend or acquaintance will take notice and ask you to make a handmade handbag for him or her. Then commissions, and orders for more handmade handbags may follow. Before you know it, you’re running a small business making handmade handbags!

Take the case of Lisa of Michigan., a creative craft hobbyist. Lisa discovered handmade handbags and started building a personal collection. She made a handmade handbag for herself, one for each day of the week, and a few extra handmade handbags for special occasions. Before her daily fix could have a chance to turn into a full-blown addiction, a friend asked her to custom-make a personalized handmade handbag. Lisa’s profit from the sale of her handmade handbag was enough to pay for the next two handmade handbags she intended to make. It was a revelation of sorts when Lisa got orders for more handmade handbags, and had those two handmade handbags pre-sold. What started as an engrossing hobby of creating handmade handbags was turning into a profitable venture!

It’s not hard to imagine that the case of Lisa can be replicated many times over for other crafts enthusiasts.

The Merits of Handmade Handbags

Handmade handbags enjoy distinct advantages over the mass-produced variety. If well-made, a handmade handbag can be of top quality. Handmade handbags satisfy the particular tastes of an individual, and frequently, are either virtual works of art or labors of love. Handmade handbags also tend to be durable, and may last for many years.

Handmade handbags, anyone?

By Scott Nichols

Italian Leather Handbags

Most companies design and create Italian leather handbags with high quality Italian top calf leather and crocodile and ostrich leather. Italian leather handbags are scratch resistant, durable and lightweight. Available in different colors, Italian leather handbags have their own unique style. Skilled designers come up with new, fresh designs every season. Handmade Italian leather handbags are also available, which are noted for their workmanship.

In Italy, handbag factories usually comprise a small handful of people who specialize in particular areas of handbag making. Italian manufacturers give great importance to providing maximum comfort for the users. So, these bags are light and easy on your back and shoulders. These bags are meant to be used and are also beautiful pieces of artwork.

The vast range of Italian handbags include classic leather handbags, fashionable leather handbags, original leather bags, soft leather handbags, leather bags with long adjustable straps and leather handbags with fashionable accessories. Classic leather handbags are characterized by clean lines which impart a refined look. Fashionable leather handbags are suitable for trendy women. Original leather handbags breathe feminine elegance. Soft leather handbags are beautiful both to the eye and to the touch and those with long adjustable straps allow you to carry them comfortably. Most leather handbags have magnetic closures.

Most Italian leather handbags have two or more interior compartments. They also have one or more interior zippered pockets and one or more outside snap pockets. The inside features of some bags include cell phone holder, business card holder and zippered inside back pockets. Zippered front pockets, double rolled leather handles or double adjustable wooden handles, and beautiful nylon or cotton lining are the attractive characteristics of these bags.

By Seth Miller

Monday, November 3, 2008

The Burberry Handbag A Great Choice

The Burberry handbag has been around for more than 150 years and began its evolution in a small village in England. Thomas Burberry, the company’s founder, was a fabric genius who is credited not only with the creation of the classic Burberry plaid, but also the invention of gabardine, a waterproof fabric first used by the military and then adopted by Hollywood actors.

Burberry began his creations in an era where fashion and the times were much simpler, but the desire for style and quality was still an important part of life. Burberry’s creations have continued in almost the same form they had when they were introduced because it’s hard to improve on perfection.

Burberry found worldwide recognition with his Burberry handbags at the turn of the century. Burberry handbags were in demand with every fashion conscious woman in the world. Originally designed by Italian designer Robert Menchetti, the Burberry handbag has remained a major player in the handbag market.

Burberry handbags, like many other popular handbags, are subject to frequent knockoffs. Burberry handbag knockoffs can look surprisingly real, leaving many consumers wondering if they had received an authentic Burberry handbag or not.

Besides buying from a reputable source, there are several things that separate an authentic Burberry from its imitation cousins. Burberry manufactures its handbags from a durable vinyl coated canvas with lots of leather trim. Each Burberry hand bag has a canvas lining, leather straps and a key ring. Burberry quality is easily recognized by the discerning shopper in the stitching and construction of these impressive bags.

Burberry handbags are quite affordable and are often priced in the $500 range. For those who do not wish to spend so much on a handbag, Burberry handbag knockoffs run about $200 and are quite impressive in their ability to imitate the original. Certainly, real quality and fashion are not cheap.

There is a difference between purchasing a Burberry handbag replica and buying one from a roadside dealer or, even worse, out of the trunk of a car or a corner vendor. Replicas are company sanctioned bags that are made under exact specifications to replicate the original bag. These replicas are definitely good quality bags that may provide years of quality and fashion just as the original, but at a much lower price.

With the availability of replicas, every woman can own her own Burberry handbag. From the rich and famous to the average fashionista, there is a Burberry handbag for everyone. Just a little shopping around and knowledge of the handbag industry and of Burberry itself will ensure that you get the best handbag for your money.

By Scott Nichols

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Handbag: Questions to Ask When Selecting a Handbag

Getting a nice handbag nowadays means you have tons of options. It goes way beyond the overall look (although that is normally what catches your attention). Things such as what kinds of material it is made out of such as leather, heavy nylon, etc.

Do you want a handbag or purse that has a embroidered logo dangling on it and a zippered closure or a bag that is open with no trademarks on it?

Also there are considerations as to the origin country of the handbag. A popular place where handbags are made is from Italy and France. These countries are well known for fine fashions in general.

One thing you want to make not of is also if there is a certificate of authenticity attached to the bag. Nowadays counterfeit products are getting harder and harder to spot, but if you have the right eye and experience for these things you should be able to tell apart the real thing from a fake.

One final thing that should be of prime consideration are the dimensions of the handbag. Do you prefer a wider or taller handbag or some combination thereof. How deep should the base of the handbag be?

Those are just a few questions that you should keep in mind when reviewing handbags.

By Morgan Ross

The Marc Jacobs Handbag is a Reflection of Style and Sophistication

The Marc Jacobs handbag is a reflection of style and sophistication. Marc Jacobs has become one of the most popular and influential handbag designers in the fashion world. Marc's ability to create an exceptional designer handbag has launched him into fashion's fast lane making Marc Jacobs handbags a hot commodity.

Marc Jacobs seems to have the ability to know what type of handbag people will want before they know they want it. Thanks to this gift he possesses, Marc has become one of the world's hottest and hippest handbag designers. You will become a part of the fashion haute couture when you sport your famous Marc Jacobs designer handbag, and all eyes will be on you! Isn't this what every woman wants?!!

There are so many cutting edge designs in the Marc Jacobs designer handbag collection, so it may be difficult for you to settle on just one Marc handbag. But who says you have to settle on just one?! You can never have too many handbags in your closet! The different seasons also bring out new handbag styles, so you should always check in to see Marc Jacob's latest creations. Having a few purses to rotate through each season is a good idea, but having a purse to match each outfit is an even better idea!!!

Being the owner of a Marc Jacobs bag you get the feeling of prestige and notoriety. Best of all though, is you get to sport one of the most fashionable designer handbags in the world!

By Chris Rodriguez

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Selecting The Right Authentic Designer Handbag

With so many choices on the market, just how do you select the right authentic designer handbag which will suit your needs? Not only should you choose a designer handbag which is stunning and one that matches your fashion collection, but it should match your body-type as well among other things.

Stop going after the most up-to-date fashion craze when selecting an authentic designer handbag and instead look for something which you will look good with when you use them and is practical as well. Aren't handbags supposed to hold your possessions too?

Most women make this blunder of buying a handbag that is bigger than their body size or vice-versa and this could have a bad effect on their whole outlook when they go out to flaunt that new purchase.

If you are not a tall person, you should select a bottled-shaped handbag or a knapsack which is not very big. However, if you have a model-like figure, tall and slim, you should go for round or square-shaped handbags.

Choosing the precise color for your authentic designer handbag is equally important. If you need a handbag which can match most of your dresses, you should select a colorful style handbag. Do keep in mind to match the color well with dresses that you own.

Most women tend to be more sensible and will go for a plain-colored handbag as this will easily match with anything that you have in the wardrobe. This prevents you from having a headache when you need to go for an outing with a matching handbag.

Do not overlook your budget as well. Some may even opt for replica designer handbags but is it really what you want to blow your money on?

It can look the same and have the same appeal with great prices to boot but certainly you will feel awkward when walking beside a friend who holds an authentic designer handbag.

Not all authentic designer handbags have to be very expensive though. There are many vendors selling them at wholesale prices if you can find them. Remember to also select an affordable authentic designer handbag for your needs.

By Sofia Saliem