Thursday, July 31, 2008

Handbags and Women-Choice or Biological Destiny?

Handbags have been one of the necessities of life for women ever since recorded history began. It was important to have the items that one used often close at hand and articles found in a purse have ranged from ornate sewing scissors (17th century)to todays mandatory cell phone and credit cards.

Why is it that women carry their belongings around and men just have their wallets? My opinion is that the need to carry something to hold goods is a fundamental need rooted in the biology of females. Who is the main caregiver of the family from prehistory to the present? Yes, I know that traditional roles are gradually evolving but what person in the "traditional" family is the most responsible for taking care of everyone? In most cases, it it the woman who gets people organized and make sure everyone has whatever they need.

Biologically speaking, the female of our species takes care of her offspring and makes sure that all needs will be taken care of once the home is left. I believe that this has evolved into women carrying all that they need and what everyone else could possibly want in their handbag. To illustrate - when you go out with a male friend do you ask him for tissues, pen, or paper? No - you ask another female. Another nuturer is more likely to have some basic necessities than a male.

Am I saying that there is a basic "purse carrying" gene? No - what I am saying is that, biologically speaking, females are the caregivers of the world and have always had this role thrust upon them since the beginning of Homo sapiens. It is our destiny (both physically and psychologically) to make sure that the world is in order. We can't handle the entire planet but we do our best to organize our own particular sphere! Our "caregiving" instincts are attuned to others and, if we fight this destiny, there is a feeling of things not being "quite right" around us. So enjoy carrying your handbag and know that you are making the global community a better place for all!

By Henrietta

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Make a Handbag and Reduce Stress

Have you ever considered sewing a handbag as an act of meditation or as a way to get in touch with your self to reduce stress? Let’s look at the process In order to see the connection to inner peace.

To make a handbag, the sewer needs to focus on the immediate – you need to be precise and concentrate on what you are doing at the present moment. There are no distractions tolerated and your mind calms because it is focused – the breathing evens out into a regular rhythm. The previous stress you may have experienced fades into the distant past as you look at this perfect piece of fabric in front of you; something you have lovingly picked out from the vast array of other fabrics, making a special bond between you and this beautiful organic object waiting for your unique input.

You carefully place your handbag pattern on the fabric and focus on cutting as evenly as possible around the outline of your purse. The anticipation builds as the faint beginnings of your new bag take shape. Diligently, you focus on the task in front of you, cutting in careful precision with total deliberation.

Sewing your handbag is where the actual shape starts to form and you realize you are close to finishing. Keeping the line of stitching straight requires your full attention as the row develops with the edge lined up perfectly and each stitch attains harmony with it’s neighboring stitch. Be aware that there is great peacefulness in this degree of full intensification of thought.

As the bag is nearing completion, you may start thinking about how the fabric texture suggests a pleasant memory such as the feel of your Mother’s dress against your skin when you were little or a soft Summer day. Your mind peacefully wanders to that special time when you were younger and life seemed so simple.

The calmness and inner peace you attained through the process of creating your own handbag changes to happy pride as you display this unique work of art to friends and family and bask in their words of praise for your talent and dedication. You now have a physical reminder in the form of your bag that you are special and talented with a gift of creation. Look at your new handbag and remember the calmness you felt when you were in the midst of evolving this piece of fabric into a special work of art and know that you can carry this peace with you always.

By Henrietta Timmons

Replica Handbags Prove Authentic Labels Are Not Needed

To me, there is only one reason to buy a replica or designer inspired's because if you paid $450.00 or more for that authentic Vuitton Monogram Papillion 30 bag you wouldn't have enough money for that Prada, or that Fendi, or that Chanel. Let's face it, for most of us purses are as important and exchangeable an accessory as our shoes. One pair of shoes will never do, and one handbag won't do either! Different outfits require different handbags!

I still wish that I had bought that authentic Balenciaga Motorcycle bag, that aqua colored one that I lusted after, but at upwards of $400.00 for a large one, I just couldn't afford it. Well, actually I could have afforded it, but was it really worth that price? Would this handbag finally have been "the one"? Would it be the one I carry all the time, the one that will compliment most of my outfits, or will it end up back in it's dust bag in the top of my closet? Knowing my track record, it would be back in it's dust bag in a matter of a few months.

Enter replica handbags. Most replica handbags are so perfectly reproduced that most of us, even your friends, and that woman giving you a second glance on the street won't be able to tell the difference. Most replica handbags are less than half the price of authentic designer bags. Needless to say, the materials used in the manufacture of replica bags are not as high quality as those used in designer bags, but some are very good. There are some high quality replica bags and some not so high quality replica bags. You'll want to do a little detective work before you purchase. Whenever you're spending your money you will want to get your money's worth.

Some online replica handbag sites actually have a hand in the manufacturing of the replicas. Look for these vendors. They choose the bag to be copied, choose the quality of the leather, the buckles and the zippers used. Higher quality business will do their absolute best to copy designer bags, down to the stitches used. They will inspect the bag paying attention to small details. They will also give you a money back guarantee or provide a one month warranty. These bags cost more than cheaper replicas, but they will be worth it.

Then, there are the cheap replica handbags mass produced in China. Generally cheap bags are very easy to spot. The first clue to quality would be the price. A replica Balenciaga Motorcycle bag for $19.95 is going to be a real disappointment. You do get what you pay for. These cheap replica handbags have inferior leather, or, as in the $19.95 bag above are made of simulated leather. Some may have uneven stitching and even puckered seams. They just aren't worth it.

By Catherine Olivia

Which Type of Handbag Suits Your Body Type?

Over the past year, handbags have quickly become the most popular accessory on the market. There are thousands of styles and designs to choose from, which makes it difficult to find the perfect handbag. Many women are unsure of which types of handbags work best with the shape of their bodies and end up choosing styles which make them look large or out of proportion. In order to help you choose the right type of purse for your body type we have compiled a list of body types as well as which kind of handbag is best suited for each type.

Choose the category which best reflects your body type:

Tall and Thin

If you are long and lean, you will be able to get away with almost any form of handbag. Clutches, oversized handbags and shoulder bags will suit you fantastically, but the size of the bag needs to be considered. Oversized, large bags are going to look best on you, whereas smaller ones are going to make you look even taller than you already are. If you want to purchase a smaller handbag, make sure it fits snugly under your shoulders.

Short and Plump

Shorter girls need to pay very careful attention to the types of handbags they choose. Smaller bags tend to look best since larger ones will overpower you and make you look even shorter. Shorter purses (especially those which fit tightly against your body) will create height and make you look taller than you really are.


If you’re lucky enough to have an hourglass figure you will want to accentuate your waistline. In order to do this, you will need to find a bag which hits just above the waist. This style and length is going to be most flattering. Medium sized bags work best to enhance your already gorgeous body type.

Plus Size

If you’re plus size you will definitely want to stay away from small bags, which tend to make you look bigger than you are. Bags with short straps should also be avoided. Try a style which is larger and slightly wider than normal sizes since they will make you appear smaller.

The type of handbag you choose will not only depend on your body type, but also on the outfit you’re wearing and what you are doing. Choose your handbags according to how you feel that day and what you think looks best on you. One handbag is never enough, so make sure you have a number to choose from. You wouldn’t wear the same pair of shoes everyday, so why carry the same handbag?

By Cathy Feldman

What Your Handbags Say About You

You can tell a lot about a person from the clothes they wear, but you can also tell a lot about a person simply from the handbags they carry. It’s hard to believe, but you can find out a number of things about a women’s personality just by looking at the type of handbag she sports. Below you will find a number of handbag styles and colors as well as what each specific type of handbag says about the owner.


Under-the Shoulder – Handbags which are smaller and fit tightly underneath the shoulder indicate class and sophistication. A women working in an upscale office or someone of high stature would choose this form of handbag.

Big and Bulky – Big, bulky and oversized bags are casual and are often associated with younger individuals. These are used for individuals who carry a number of things (binders, books etc) and require a lot of space. Down-to-earth, lower-maintenance women would carry this type of handbag.

Designer – Designer handbags often cost an arm and a leg and therefore are usually associated with high-maintenance females. Females who are confident and require top of the line accessories will settle for nothing less than a name-brand designer purse. Guys – watch out for these girls, they tend to be a handful.

Cigar Box Purses – A women who carries a cigar box purse likes to be unique and stand out from the crowd. These women have minds of their own and cannot be told what to do. They are comfortable in their own skin and tend to be very independent.

Leather with Buckles and Zippers – Women who choose leather purses with lots of buckles and zippers are leashing out their wild sides. These women tend to act before they think and are always ready for a good time. The extra buckles and zippers tend to signify a “bad girl” image.


Bright Colors – Bright colored handbags like pink, purple, bright blue and green indicate that the woman is fun, friendly and approachable. Women who are out-going and sociable will tend to choose these colors. This is the type of woman who will strike up a conversation with a complete stranger.

Black and Brown – Women who choose black or brown handbags tend to be more reserved and are often mistaken as being snobby or restricted. These types of handbags are often associated with down-to-earth women, who are shy at first, but open up after a while. They tend to exude a shy confidence, which is sometimes mistaken as someone who thinks she’s better than others.

The style and color of your handbag says a lot about you. Choose your handbag very carefully and remember you can choose more than one style. You may feel like being reserved one day and the center of attention another…it’s natural to want different things in life.

By Cathy Feldman

Is your Desinger Hand Bag Authentic?

You pay a pretty penny for a Gucci bag or any other designer handbag be it Fendi, Prada, Chanel or Dior. Your friends are drooling over that gorgeous Gucci Turquoise Leather Handbag you just bought. Wait until they hear what a great deal you got!

But is it authentic or is it a fake? Determining authenticity can be a bit tricky because some fakes are done very well. However if you know what to watch for you can spot a fake in a minute!

The first thing you need to do is look at the bag itself. Do the materials look to be of the highest quality? How about the stitching? There should be no loose or uneven threads and the thread should match the bag exactly. If the bag is leather the logo will be engraved into the leather.

Next have a look at the hardware. The hardware should all be quality weight pieces with no scratches or color variations. Most of the designers actually have a plastic face that goes over the hardware to protect if from damage until the bag is purchased. The brand name will be engraved not embossed on the hardware. You should also be able to find the name engraved on the hardware for the strap.

Have a really close look at the liner and any accents. Check for quality. The liner should be silk and you should see the designers name or logo on the liner. Designers don’t use cheap plastic accents. Even their fancy handles that are fun and funky. If you look closely you will see leather underneath the top finish.

Many authentic handbag comes with a card of authenticity which has the manufacturers logo embossed on it, as well as information about the bag.

You need to check for a serial number. Not all designers put a serial number on their bags but many do. So have a look and see if you can find it.

Now here is the easiest clue to remember. If the deal sounds too good to be true it is. Lets face it folks how do you think that somebody on ebay has the ability to buy designer bags for less than the boutiques that sell quantities of them all year long for the designer. Do you actually think the designer is going to give these people such great deals so they can pass them on to you. Not!

You might try to convince yourself that it’s okay or that this person just stumbled across a good buy. Perhaps but highly unlikely. So if you truly want to own a designer bag then you must be careful who you give your money to.

If you don’t care and an unlicensed knock off is okay. Then fine by me. But do remember that these knock offs are illegal and no matter how bad you want a designer handbag do you really want to own one that’s not real and not legal.

If you are in the market for a designer hand bag then be sure you aren’t throwing away your money and buy it from a reputable licensed retailer. You want your bag to last you a very long time!

By Sher Matsen

Top 5 Most Often Carried Handbags

Handbags have become the most popular accessory on the market and there’s no reason to wonder why. There are so many styles and trends to choose from that it’s hard for a woman to choose just one handbag. Each outfit calls for a different type of handbag so it’s hard to distinguish which types are most popular. In order to help you determine which types of handbags are in style right now, I have compiled a list of the top five most often carried handbags. You do not have to choose one of these as the type of handbag you’re going to carry but use this as a guideline illustrating which are in fashion at the moment:

1. Shoulder Bag – A shoulder bag comes in many different sizes and shapes. They are usually larger, providing more space for essentials such as your wallet, books, makeup etc. Shoulder bags are meant only to be worn over the shoulder and provide a combination practicality and style in one handbag.

2. Handheld Handbag – Handheld handbags are handbags which are designed to be held in the hand and no other way. They are usually smaller and provide less space than a shoulder bag. The difference between this form of bag and a clutch is that a handheld bag usually has a strap or handles. These types of bags are best suited for shopping or cruising around town.

3. Back Pack – Back Packs are very popular bags which are most beneficial to students of all ages. Back packs have two straps which make them better suited for carrying since there is a balance of pressure of both sides of your shoulders and back (as opposed to just one with most handbags).

4. Tote Bag – Tote bags are very popular because they are casual yet very practical. These bags usually fall in the middle of the body, around the elbow. They are big and provide a lot of space for the user. They usually only have one or two compartments and are available with a number of images on them or a simple solid color.

5. Clutch - A clutch is a handbag which does not have handles and is meant to be carried in the hand. That said they are usually quite small and only provide enough space for the bare essentials which you will need. These bags can be casual or dressy and are often worn to parties or nightclubs because they are so small and efficient.

The handbag you choose will depend on your style and your personal preference. As a woman you will probably feel the need to change the style of handbag you carry on a regular basis. The style of handbag differs each day depending on where you are going and which type would be best suited for the occasion. Have fun with your handbag and let your personality show through the style you choose.

By Cathy Feldman

Friday, July 25, 2008

How To Buy Designer Bags With Confidence

It can be difficult buying a designer bag these day. With the proliferation of on line sites selling fakes as authentic and unscrupulous salespeople. With all the designer knock-offs being called "authentic" it's easy to be misguided into spending way too much money for a fake without knowing it.

There is a difference between buying a designer knock-off and knowing it and being told you're buying the actual bag when it's not.

When you see that Chloe python Silverado bag on i offer you are told it is 7 star quality and mirror image up front, that's honest salesmanship. I don't see a problem with knowingly buying a designer knock off. However, watch these knock-offs too. There are many different qualities. Some will sell an inferior quality knock-off bag for much more than it's worth. I saw a seller on i offer who offered the same exact bag for two very different prices. When I questioned her as to why the same exact bag was being sold for two different prices her reply was that she had to "fix" her description. Hmmmmm. I have also noticed nothing in the description of these bags has changed. I wonder how many people have unwittingly paid for the more expensive of the two bags. Investigate before you buy.

Know the old sayings "if it's too good to be true it probably is" and "you get what you pay for" hold true. You can be assured that lovely Fendi Spy Bag on that online auction, the one starting at $249.00, the one with the bright yellow Fendi tag is not the real thing. No one would offer an authentic Fendi Spy Bag for $249.00.

Who you're purchasing the bag from is of utmost importance. You can be guaranteed that when purchasing that Prada bag from Nieman Marcus or that Gucci from Bergdorf Goodman you're getting an authentic bag, although perhaps not a deal. Check the e-luxury site. Louis Vuitton is one of the actual owners of the e-luxury site. Purchase your Coach bag from their online site. Needless to say authenticity is guaranteed.

Before purchasing a bag on e bay visit their Community Chat Room. There is a wealth of information on how to detect counterfeit bags. Even an e bay "powerseller" can be offering fake bags. When e bay is alerted about a particular seller it may take them some time to investigate. During the time it takes for the investigation the seller could have sold many counterfeit bags. E bay has shut down dealers selling counterfeit bags, but even e bay cannot protect you from all the unscrupulous sellers out there.

Some buyers take their bags to stores like Nieman Marcus or Lord & Taylor to have them authenticated AFTER they purchase them. These department stores will not give a written authentication on a particular bag, but the salesperson will probably tell you whether or not they think the bag is authentic. Don't purchase a bag from anyone without a money back guarantee - ever. If they don't offer a money back guarantee you can be assured the bag isn't authentic. Even if it's the bag of your dreams don't buy it. There will be another one.

Don't be fooled thinking that only authentic bags have holograms and serial numbers. Those that make their money producing knock off bags are on their toes and keep up with any changes made in authentic bags. Even more importantly, when you see a bag for sale anywhere, do you really know what the hologram should look like? Do you know if the serial number should be on a separate metal plate or embossed inside the bag? Should the name Gucci also seen imprinted on the hardware on an authentic bag?

By Kelly Gillis

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Designer Handbags are all the rage

Without a doubt, designer handbags are all the rage! Women seem to collect them the way young boys collect comic books. Without a doubt, there is a handbag to suit your many styles and moods, from sophisticated and chic to adventurous and playful. Designer handbags all have unique traits that distinguish one brand from another. Designers purposely create unique symbols or details to accentuate the differences between themselves and other designers.

Louis Vuitton is one of the most popular and best-selling handbag designers. These bags are known for the high standards of quality and state-of-the-art craftsmanship put into each and every design. Elegant, but astonishingly innovative, Louis Vuitton guarantees perfection in his multitude of high quality products. Uniquely branded with a patterned design, Louis Vuitton handbags tower above the competition.

Chanel handbags are well known for their clean lines and top quality materials. The polished chain and bold brand symbol on every bag sets them apart from their peers. The clean lines and simple femininity of these designs makes them both accessible and functional for everyday use or a night out on the town. Chanel handbags are known for their classy designs, neutral colors, and their oh-so-popular brand power. A girl cannot go wrong with Chanel.

Coach handbags are known for their soft, supple, glove-tanned leather. In recent years, Coach designers have evolved to explore various shapes, styles, and materials without sacrificing the principles of classic design. At the same time, there is something uniquely American about these wonderful purses. Coach has developed into an easily-recognizable brand of superior quality handbags.

Burberry handbags are known for their distinctive plaid pattern. Their handbags come in various sizes and shapes, and there is sure to be one to please even the most distinguishing shopper. These purses are designed for a woman that is both strong and sophisticated. Burberry purses have become extremely popular in recent times, especially with younger girls looking to explore more traditional designs.

These are but a few of the designers producing quality merchandise for the masses. There are as many designers as there are purse styles, but you are sure to be pleased with anything produced by the designers mentioned above. They are the giants of the fashion industry right now. With the recent release of their latest designs, you can be the first of your friends to own one. Happy shopping, ladies!

By Cathy Feldman


Product Description

Classy Signature Jacquard, bold brass hardware and rich leather trim make this oversized slouchy Carly shape such a great fashion-forward choice. Coach Creed and Serial number embossed on the interior leather patch. Retail $398+tax. Measurements below are taken from the widest width/length/height dimensions of the bag. Most items will require a signature at the time of delivery. Guaranteed Authentic Coach or TWO TIMES YOUR MONEY BACK.

Product Features

* Stain & Weather resistant Khaki Signature Jacquard fabric with classy black leather trim
* Zippered top closure with leather pull; polished Brass hardware
* 18 inch (8 inch drop length) leather strap with dogleash clip; adorable Coach hangtag
* Fully lined interior with two pockets and one zip pocket with Coach Creed leather patch

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Why Women Love Handbags!

Most women absolutely love handbags – something which is a bit of a mystery to men! Some women spend thousands of dollars a time on that perfect handbag, so just what is it that drives women to spend so much on such a small, material thing?

It’s All About Fashion!

Handbags have the ability to finish the look of every single outfit. It is completely possible (and for some women a must!), to buy a handbag to suit every single outfit that they own. There is no doubt about it that celebrities have set the craze, with A-list stars such as Victoria Beckham, Paris Hilton and Sarah Jessica Parker, all out and about daily with a new, flashy bag on their arm.

However, a handbag is not just for fashion purposes. A lot of them are an absolute must for business women. They have to be able to carry important files, make-up and all the latest business tech stuff, which means that the handbag has to be practical! This has led to a huge range of stylish yet practical bags by top designers such as ‘Louis Vuitton’, ‘Miu Miu’, and ‘Valentino’.

Handbags really can make a girl feel special and they help to create a look. Whether you are going for an urban chic look, or a girlie girl look, there is a bag out there to suit you. They also ooze confidence and a woman with a stylish handbag generally sends out a confident message.

Many women’s handbag addictions are getting so out of control that they are running out of room in their closet. However, if you fall into this category too, there really is no need to worry. Some companies have designed special handbag holders which basically hang up and you can fit at least six handbags on them!

Overall, handbags are more than likely going to remain popular. Only women can understand how important they are in every day life. So, if you really want to spoil the woman in your life, buy her a handbag today!

By Christine Loxley

Roberta di Camerino Vintage Bagonghi - Brown & Salmon Small Velvet Handbag

Product Description
Created in 1948, this Bagonghi bag is a timeless precious vintage piece, fashion symbol for women of the high society like Princess Grace of Monaco. Made in a special type of velvet with a unique sheen and feel-of which they manufacture only ten meters each month- it combines an elegant style with extreme practicality. This vintage model is made in brown and salmon velvet with the classic Meridiana design in the center. Dust bag included, Made in Italy
• Handles: Single Leather handle
• Handle drop:
• Hardware: Silver metal
• Lining: Genuine Leather
• Pockets: 1 compartment + 1 zip pocket
• Closure: Top lock

Product Features

* Status: Limited quantities
* Material: Velvet and Leather
* Primary color: Multicolor
* Width: 8.661417 in.
* Height: 5.118110 in.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Italian Handbag - Winning Tips When Shopping For a Italian Handbag

They're fashionable and constructed from only the finest grade of materials. You can wear with them with everyday outfits, or with your favorite work attire. The Italian handbag should be an essential apparel accessory in every woman's wardrobe, no matter your personal style. Here are some handbag brands and styles that you can pick from, as well as the best places to shop for these great items.


This name brand is an upscale Italian handbag and fashion company; shoes, clothes, and other fashion accessories are also created by Prada, and each item will unquestionably make you feel dignified and refined. Prada bags are ideal for travelers, or for women who are constantly on the go; there are also messenger bags and wallets that are available for men.

The design of each purse is elaborate yet clean and modern, and the leather and handles are long-lasting, and will give any outfit that additional boost that you want. There are also book bags wallets by Prada that you can select from, and you can buy watches and shoes from the stores or internet websites as well.

Check out the Prada internet destination to acquire information on the latest fashion collections from this Italian handbag company, or visit department stores like Macy's or Bloomingdale's in your local area to discover Prada styles that will work for you.


Versace is for the refined socialite that is looking for a purse that is eye-catching and is practical as well. The leather and gold chain accents on these bags are certainly attractive, and the metallic tones of some of the bags will decidedly make your little black dress stand out at any social occasion. These type of bags are in the higher price range -you can very easily spend more than $500 on a bag, however this Italian handbag will last you for years, so the purchase is well worth it.

If you take trips frequently, and are looking to make sure that your luggage bag is as stylish as it can be, the Camel Suede Tote Bag from Dolce and Gabana is an excellent choice. This Italian handbag is easy to carry around with you, and will help you to organize the items for your trip. You can be sure that this bag will last for a long time as well, so despite the fact that it is priced online for over $800, you will be able to carry this bag for many years to come.

You can also visit the online destination of Handbagcrew if you want to pick from the large Italian handbag selection on the site. You'll be able to see pictures of each purse, and you can also read a short description of the item so that you can determine what you want to purchase. Purchasing a bag online will also save you money in most cases, since the prices are cheaper than in retail stores. Happy shopping!

By Korbin Newlyn

Gucci Treasure Dark Blue Patent Leather Doctor-style Handbag

Product Description

Exuding feminine elegance and upclass distinction, a structured and classic shape with top lizard-stamped frame and handle glows in blue patent leather with raised horsebit design and chrome buckle clasp on front pocket. Logo dust bag included, Made in Italy

Product Features

* Status: Limited quantities
* Material: Patent Leather
* Primary color: Dark Blue
* Width: 11.811023 in.
* Height: 9.055118 in.